"I'm not a child I'm underage"Kobo Kanaeru

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  1. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Nigga just spent two weeks writing a story about why he was gone for two weeks. Late as usual, but I just wanted to say unironically, :mikothumbsl: Cool Story Bro Started reading while at work and had to finish at home. What a tale, full of twists and turns, I was on the edge of my seat til...
  2. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Now hold on just a minute - CnC Generals? Am I going to have to start watching her now?
  3. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    People out here not backing up work that their career depends on, meanwhile I've got save game files from 2001 in case I want to pick up from that point again one day.
  4. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I do genuinely believe that Holo and probably Phase all get on well together and it's a nice place to be, but never forget that at the end of the day these are women and can just as easily end a lifelong friendship because one of them wore the same colour dress or some other stupid shit. This is...
  5. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Alright, so what I have found so far is Pony is very good at creating very nice images from almost no prompt, while stil getting what you want. You no longer need to have a mish-mash of words in the positive and negative (they're calling them "schizo prompts", which I find amusing). It's...
  6. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Oh hey! I downloaded those models t- I mean that's neat where did you find that haha? Once again, I said I'd post some pictures of my findings a week ago, but like an autist I got carried away downloading every checkpoint and LORA in existence and comparing them to eachother, and trying to get...
  7. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Well I can defiinitely see the improvement there. I have just spent the night downloading a few models and messing around with a more realistic one. Will probably be another day but I'll post my own comparison pics as well (can you believe I had also planned to do a Mio beach scene...) One...
  8. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    I was under the impression it was a whole separate thing to Stable Diffusion, but it's just a regular old checkpoint? Also, thanks for letting me know the lore behind it. I very naively thought that Pony was just the name they come up with for some reason and it had nothing to do with those...
  9. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Ok, when I get home I guess. Who am I to refuse a face like that? In the mean time, would you mind posting a couple of comparison images of the same prompt with an SD1.5 / XL checkpoint, maybe also with / without LORA?
  10. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    There have been a few times now that I've seen a LORA I wanted to try, only to find out it is SD XL, or whatever Pony is. I should take another look at it at some point.. I did try SD XL quote some time ago and found the first few results were no different (or maybe worse) to 1.5 so I never...
  11. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Yea.. I ended up buying a 500GB SSD just to hold Stable Diffusion files, and I've still ended up with ~150 GB of overflow on a spare drive now also dedicated to SD. I don't think I'm prepared for SD XL or any newer things yet...
  12. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Man, I was ready to boast about the size of my own LORA folder, but it's only a third of yours. That's a lot of futas. Can't say any vtubers come to mind there. Not exactly to my tastes. On that note, I have once again spent way too long making another LORA that ended up being somewhat usable...
  13. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    For the Factorybros: Was catching up where I left off and saw this cute moment. Okayu gets annoyed when placing power poles and they don't line up nicely (as she should) and cries out not "spaghetti", but "pasta" (2:03:25) Just noticed I've got another new 9 hour stream to watch after this...
  14. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Should we all become lolicons now? What's the official stance the forum is taking? I've wondered, but never bothered askng before - has Eating Mike Tyson's Ass ever actually done anything other than sending completely normal superchats while having a funny name? Regarding Youtube...
  15. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ah Mio, I thought we were done with that song years ago. Speaking of old things no one talks about any more, I will always associate this song with this: (4:34) (also watch from the beginning for an sbsolute banger intro)
  16. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Understandable, Haachama. Carry on.
  17. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I was just thinking, Scotland seemed like a bit of an odd choice to go filming Hololive stuff. I just couldn't imagine a bunch of Japanese girls acting all cute and talking funny going down too well with the locals. The bar staff in that clip certainly didn't seem too impressed. Still, at least...
  18. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I've noticed a few of the girls playing MHW recently. Has there been some kind of big update that's sparked interest again? "But well, it's not like you all just like my boobs, so it's fine anyway. Even if you never get to see my boobs again, you'd still love me anyway, right." Speak for...
  19. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    For the Factorio enjoyers - I'm happy to report Okayu is playing the game correctly. ie. laying stuff down and then immediately tearing it up and redoing it to make it look nice and even and symmetrical. Then starting over again to fit the power poles in a nice grid pattern. 4 hours in and and...
  20. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Got to say these auto translations need a bit of work. They usually do more harm than good, but they can lead to some pretty funny results. Even better, the people using them probably have no idea,
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