"I'm just taking a walk in the park while murdering some elementary school students"IRyS

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  1. 06-04-2004

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Cringe concern-post inbound... Nightmare sheep was supposed to cap off the week streaming a horror game, postponed past the schedule time due to chores, then posted about it being Oshi day and alluding to "..all the sweet sweet things sheeple send to me." Were it another chuuba, nothing to...
  2. 06-04-2004


    :depressedtako: At least we still have the first game... Why does this happen to near everything I remember fondly?
  3. 06-04-2004

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Maybe it's cringe and gay, but damn, she's such a good person. Why the fuck does life treat a person like that... :depressedtako: Context: She had a breakdown last week and hit bottom, fortunately didn't take the final option. Something she's dealt with regularly. Probably somehow related to...
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