"I don't think it's bad to be a wigger"Komachi Panko

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  1. Murrayしないで

    TVA Minecraft Server

    You guys are literally going to put your Minecraft beds next to each other. That's so cute. Someone DM me on the groomcord when the server's live, please. I don't check the boards enough anymore.
  2. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Eh. That io person is dumb but I don't like this weird attitude people have where the only reason they can fathom that someone would want to interact with someone else is because they actually want to screw them. Imagine if you took a package to the post office and started talking to the lady at...
  3. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Someone makes a joke about the rules of the game and gets suspended for several months, then finally mercy-fired.
  4. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Klara was fine, I guess. Debut streams are overrehearsed and not a reflection of actual stream content yada yada but she seemed pleasant enough. If she really is a native English speaker then with that accent she has to be SEA of some sort. I might keep watching. I didn't watch Twisty since I...
  5. Murrayしないで

    VIRTUX - CEO admits to watching gay porn, MS Paint level announcement.

    So one of the new Virtuxes is apparently an "invader" called LuLuTheBard, a deer boy whose gimmick seems to be "lol drugs." https://ghostarchive.org/archive/IHeZh https://ghostarchive.org/archive/plKvs https://ghostarchive.org/archive/SKj9Y https://ghostarchive.org/archive/ekJtP...
  6. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I have no idea what you're saying here but if it's something like "DM me to get an archive of the Sayu stream," if you have an archive, just share it publicly, please.
  7. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Did anyone get a VOD of this? I'm being told she said she'd keep the VOD around but it's not appearing on Twitch. To misquote Meat Loaf, I would do anything for clout, but I won't do that.
  8. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Me too. The only thing I can think of is that Idol offers a better split. But you'd think it would be a better deal to make 50% at a company as big and still inclining like Phase than 70% at a smaller and more modestly-growing Idol, and we know she had connections at Phase. Or maybe she has a...
  9. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    That really doesn't strike me as a dangerous level of caffeine even if you're not used to drinking 200mg or more of the stuff a day like some idiots like the guy in the circle to the left, so I'm doubting the stories of heart palpitations and stuff. However, I can't find any info on how big...
  10. Murrayしないで

    The Vtuber Commentary Community

    Salvi was apparently a good associate of Lidia Nekozawa for a while but a few weeks ago she called him out for copying her video ideas and thumbnails, along with a requisite Google doc. I thought it'd just be petty stuff but it turned out to be pretty convincing. He seemed to just shrug it off...
  11. Murrayしないで

    The Vtuber Commentary Community

    Again, I make the comparison to traditional news media. I could dig up my own sources and do on-the-ground research to see what's going on in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, or I could spend a lot less time, money, and effort (and not risk putting my life on the line) by reading articles written...
  12. Murrayしないで

    The Vtuber Commentary Community

    And a lot of people bought newspapers and watched cable news TV after 9/11 happened. Should they not have covered the news because they profited off of it? Speaking as someone who didn't make a dime during my attempt at "dramatubing," I feel like the "profiting from the misery of others"...
  13. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Holy fuck. I'm supposed to be retired!
  14. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Thanks for the timestamps. I've got the VOD downloaded and I'm about to clip out the tax part and upload it since it doesn't look like anyone else has yet. I've watched to the point where she talks about VShojo teaching her to use a VPN (holy fuck Niji doesn't have their talents use VPNs). Do...
  15. Murrayしないで

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    Did anyone see ky0resu's redebut today? A tweet from the current iteration of Screenshots from /vt/ is implying that she addressed the accusations of hooking up with her fans by admitting to it. https://twitter.com/VT_Schizo/status/1781780422713618492
  16. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Alex hit her sub goal or 150 subs in less than 7 hours into her 48-hour subathon and is currently working on thinking up stretch goals. She's slappin' her way to the big leagues, so get on board.
  17. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    I think these arguments are unfair. "This is an old story!" Okay, sure, but a lot of people don't know about it, and everyone should know about it, especially people considering joining an agency. There's no unringing this bell. "It's traumatic to me to see people talking about this!" Okay...
  18. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Legal Mindset, the YouTube channel of a lawyer named Andrew who has come to prominence in the fandom by covering a lot of vtuber-related stories recently (starting with Nijisanji and the Selen Tatsuki/Dokibird situation), did a stream covering AkioAIR on the evening of March 17. As a co-host he...
  19. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Find me anyone else who has access to a Niji contract and the will to stream it and I'll go watch them else instead. Bonus points if they also know anything about contracts. Legal Mindset is uniquely positioned to make this stream and I don't begrudge him for profiting on it.
  20. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I will assume the two weeks thing is bullshit until I see evidence otherwise. I doubt it was Lean Keem’s doing, though. Unwinding this took more than a couple hours - but less than two weeks. It is strange they announced it after 6 PM California time, though. In a way it’s a good thing as it...
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