"Love huge breast, in my hands and in my mouth, yup would rather say THAT! THAT WON'T GET ME FIRED!"Mori Calliope

Search results

  1. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    This chick is the one who did that slander stream/video on the LoliPuff girls so if you'd rather not give her a view, she's talking about Bapha, someone who got caught up in the weird fallout around the Black Vtuber Awards, even though I'm not really sure what he did except be a bit autistic...
  2. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Ah, yes, Kerby. Giving Poseidon from Mythos a run for her money in term of the most overdesigned character design of all time. Blue-haired dog/wolf with bat wings, a pet white snake, bell hair ties, hairpins with bones, pitchforks, and a Spiderman face in defiance of copyrights, a poofy...
  3. Murrayしないで

    Phase Connect JP Gen 1 'KALEiDO' Speculation/Liveposting

    Phase remembered their JP Twitter account exists long enough to announce a 24-hour relay of streams to commemorate the half-year milestone of Kaleido. Curious about the silhouettes on the final stream… :ameliaThink:
  4. Murrayしないで

    Culinary Catastrophes

    It's just pancakes, man. How can women have so much trouble with pancakes?
  5. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Come to the server and be the change you want to see. I bought the rrat initially. It seemed to make a lot of sense. But she's continuing to insist the rumors aren't true far past the point when it should matter, and she has too many good people who are close to her and would likely know more...
  6. Murrayしないで

    Culinary Catastrophes

    @DeniaL_ei … (Your pan was probably too hot. When you have one side that just looks like a bunch of bubbles, that's the problem IIRC. Try turning the heat down a notch or two next time you cook them.)
  7. Murrayしないで

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Alex Azarashi is doing a debut of her "2.0 model" (which is actually her third or fourth model, depending on how you count) now and it's good stuff. It was done by Dollie Hitsujida, a Br*tish sheep vtuber and 3D modeler she often collabs with, and I think Dollie nailed it.
  8. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Eh, I don't really know much about her and I don't really care enough to dig into it now that I'm not doing the news thing anymore and don't really need to. It will be pretty funny if she immediately does another donothon though.
  9. Murrayしないで

    Culinary Catastrophes

    When you smell the bread burning, that's when you know it's time to flip it.
  10. Murrayしないで

    Pipprojects 2024

    The man with the most Amerimutt name of all time, J Kenji Lopez-Alt, has done it over here: https://www.seriouseats.com/ingredient-stovetop-mac-and-cheese-recipe Equal parts macaroni, unsweetened evaporated milk, and shredded cheese of whatever flavor you want. Cook the pasta in just enough...
  11. Murrayしないで

    TVA Minecraft Server

    Huh. I just tried again and it worked for me this time. So I guess if anyone else has this problem, they should disconnect from the server, post in this thread, then try logging in again. It doesn't make any sense that that would solve anything but I guess it's worked twice now.
  12. Murrayしないで

    TVA Minecraft Server

    I'm having this problem too. Do you remember what you did to make it work?
  13. Murrayしないで

    Pipprojects 2024

    Damn, I forgot this was happening. Carrot cake cupcakes would be thematically appropriate but maybe not as easy as we were hoping for here. Maybe real mac and cheese (no boxes or powders)? That can be done with three ingredients plus whatever mixins you want (ham, bacon, veggies, etc).
  14. Murrayしないで

    Culinary Catastrophes

    https://ghostarchive.org/archive/CsRdW That pan sure looks like one you'd use to put things in the broiler part of an oven. This woman was trying to make toast by broiling bread. Now theoretically that should work, but YOU CAN GET A TOASTER FOR $10 AT WALMART. PROBABLY FOR $2 OR LESS AT ANY...
  15. Murrayしないで

    TVA Minecraft Server

    The vtuber-oriented server I played on had a mod called Simple Voice Chat which let you do in-game voice chat. It was proximity-based, so you could only hear people who were reasonably close to you and vice versa, though it wasn't smart enough to stop you from hearing people that were through...
  16. Murrayしないで

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    As funny as it would be, we have to be aware that there's a realistic chance of the undesirable consequence of more Europeans joining the forum.
  17. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Alex did a stream about going to OffKai as both a fan and a smaller streamer. It's pretty adorable to see her fangirling about meeting MariMari and Isa. It sounds like it really motivated her to keep going with her own plans in the future. Give the VOD a watch.
  18. Murrayしないで

    TVA Minecraft Server

    You talk like you're planning for a violent political coup instead of an autistic video game server.
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