"This is a record I feel so healthy ive gone now 2 days withot eating mold losing my mind"Lapin Laponkotsu

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  1. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    As long as we're assuming nationality and ethnicity based on contents of tweets. Ending a strong declarative sentence with "I'll tell you what" for emphasis is very redneck white, with a high probability of Texan.
  2. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Calling back to something I said at the Homeland last year relating to this very subject. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/virtual-youtubers.69525/post-8326020
  3. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    One thing that stuck with me is something Pat from Castle Super Beast once said about footfags. I forget the exact quote, but it was to the effect that seems to put footfags in a positive feedback loop is the fact that feet are not explicitly pornographic. You can post feet to twitter...
  4. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    "You have the carpet of every double-wide in the trailer park." How would you know that, Ms. Pipkin?
  5. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Why is she out of doors wearing the Kobo cosplay gloves getup?
  6. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Part of that is the Homeland's attachment to the farms in general. There is plenty of Farms content that is commentary on the types of mental illness you see in just about any female streamer's community. We decided to call them unicorns but basically there was always incel simps.
  7. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    It's easy for Twitch to "offload" responsibility and say they're banning gambling when it's a very heavily regulated industry in the U.S. already. I'd go as far to argue you should want to see gacha and lootboxes get regulated by government forces instead of Twitch, but even I waffle on whether...
  8. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Nah they just received full authorization and canonization of what the porn hashtag is.
  9. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    For clarity, poker is a game of skill just as much as a game of chance, and the big skill is social engineering. Even down to a single hand which you'd think is a full game of chance, you can get other players to fold when you have nothing. Sports betting is also not entirely a game of chance...
  10. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Comes from the idol industry. Idols tend to "retire" from the industry super young, but it's not really "retiring" if it's expected and merely a change in careers. So you "age out" of being an idol and move into a new career, but aging out at 23 years old? "Graduation" is a bit more appropriate...
  11. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I bet those cookies taste awful too I hope they're undercooked on the inside.
  12. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I fucking hate my oshi.
  13. Last Of The Mohicans

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    God dammit on the same day I register here.
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