"Do you see this shit peko~"Usada Pekora

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  1. akaaoi

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Yeah, with twenty twenty hindsight I shouldn't have. I wasn't trying to stop anyone from going there who wanted to know, they're welcome to the early knowledge. Just figured that some people love the experience of finding out who the new girls are at the same time as everyone else watching the...
  2. akaaoi

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Looks like tomorrow's reveal stream (the one linked to on the Hololive_En tweet from 8 hours ago, https://youtu.be/dZrgAMWvIBA) has been privated in the past few minutes. Damage control to stop people talking about the reveals in the waiting room?
  3. akaaoi

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    ...I guess Noel did show that you can be a real life cheesecake streamer and still make it when you're sitting behind the avatar of a vtuber.
  4. akaaoi

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Well, glad that's solved. Pack it up boys, we can finish early today.
  5. akaaoi

    Connect the World: Hololive English 1st Concert

    No, no. Calli remains and Demondice joins as well. They both stream for hours a day, never overlapping... until they start doing collabs with each other. Karen then develops whiplash from switching between the 2 phones to keep up the double act.
  6. akaaoi

    Vidya Games Thread

    Maybe the disc read as a game to the console and bypassed the security, I don't know. But the original xbox was setup that way for a reason - it was primarily intended as a games machine (unlike the PS2, which Sony wanted to be a general entertainment system that could play movies and CD...
  7. akaaoi

    Vidya Games Thread

    The Xbox didn't come out until over a year after the PS2, and it required a separate IR adaptor be bought to play DVD movies (which the PS2 played out of the box). I definitely remember people buying the PS2 just for the DVD player, DVD players were expensive back then and the PS2 was considered...
  8. akaaoi

    Sayu Sincronisity aka Zaion LanZa first post-termination stream containment zone

  9. akaaoi

    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    Somewhat interesting little 'behind the scenes' view of the program used to display their models at 7:24 of that vid
  10. akaaoi

    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    Yeah, restrictions were lifted just in time - this is normally how the Japanese are at idol concerts.
  11. akaaoi

    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    Chat reminded Bae that she has a heart rate monitor, which she's put on. Will probably give her watch along a bit of a new dimension.
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