"Honestly Kirsche's fish blowjob audio legit got me hard irl. Sakana's tiny Californian balls must be churning with cum ready for that whore mouth"The Proctor
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I think it's just an Asian perfectionism thing, they want to look like filtered Instagram posts in real life. It's a shame because Shiina is genuinely beautiful, but it's impossible to get that point across to women who're fixated on getting surgery without them taking it the wrong way somehow.
I think it's just an Asian perfectionism thing, they want to look like filtered Instagram posts in real life. It's a shame because Shiina is genuinely beautiful, but it's impossible to get that point across to women who're fixated on getting surgery without them taking it the wrong way somehow.
Pippa is probably about 90% mould and she goes monkey brain whenever she sees a big titty blonde girl on the screen, so yes mould is gay.
I think it's just an Asian perfectionism thing, they want to look like filtered Instagram posts in real life. It's a shame because Shiina is genuinely beautiful, but it's impossible to get that point across to women who're fixated on getting surgery without them taking it the wrong way somehow.
Ah here it is, my test result. Can you hear my heart beating? Oh the white man science is amazing, ain't it? ...Oh no. Th-th-this can't be. It says I'm 102% African with a 2% margin of error. Why Lord?! Whhyyy Looord wwhhhyyyyy?!
Hooray! It's been one year since I made this account.
I didn't think I'd stay for longer than maybe a few weeks. But here I am, still posting one year later.
Just goes to show that you lot are not actually the worst people to talk to.
I mean, where else could we really put her though? By virtue of being a white woman she's got a leg (or cheek, perhaps ) up on 90% of the company as is. You think she should be swapped with Lia, or maybe even Clara?
Being white does not necessarily mean you'll be blessed with a nice ass. Go to the upper Midwest sometime and you'll see those Germanic genes somehow translate into Hank Hill asses for most of the women, who are otherwise really pretty aside from LACKING ASS.
Case in point, Kate Upton. She seems like the whole package: pretty, tall, leggy, big rack.
Ever wonder why you never see her from behind?
As an ass man, I can confirm Ember deserves her spot at the top of the list.
I mean, where else could we really put her though? By virtue of being a white woman she's got a leg (or cheek, perhaps ) up on 90% of the company as is. You think she should be swapped with Lia, or maybe even Clara?
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