This fucking hurts, guys.
Y'all know I'm buddies with Rekieta. We haven't spoken in awhile because, frankly, I can't fucking watch this shit, and any attempt I'd make to try and help would be met with an angry rebuke, so I just quietly made distance and (

) hoped for the best.
I owe a lot to Nick. Dude was a major reason I got my book published, he helped me get the word out about what was being done to Vic, he even gave me a chance to chat with Doug TenNapel, someone whose works I grew up with. Don't take this as me chastising anyone, but for me, this isn't some banger content, or hot goss, or tea, or whatever. I've had family members and old friends self destruct on substance abuse way too much in my life. It's ugly, it's depressing, and it pisses me off. I'm getting deeply, deeply tired of watching it. Now here we are again.
Fuck this shit.