"Get with the times. We don't - we don't like real women anymore. 'What do you mean, these virtual women go online and make money while I have to spend 3 hours putting my makeup on' Yup. Get over it, whore. Your days are over. Your womb is drying up. My womb is eternal. hahaHAHA"Shondo
Credit to user addamelech for the new logo. (Note: only active for the Xendark (Original) theme currently)
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Gotta remember how much No Child Left Behind has fucked the teaching profession. Obviously there were major problems prior, but that's still a large factor of America's educational decline. Professors don't make as much as people think. Academia is a hellscape.
The juxtaposition of the shitty non practicing lawyer to the beautiful and wonderful meat Pippa's voice elevates the experience. Not my fault you don't have a multithreaded dual cortex.
it isn't one of, it is the "waste the normal kids time by dragging out classes" literally half the stupid shit schools do at this point is because of it
The juxtaposition of the shitty non practicing lawyer to the beautiful and wonderful meat Pippa's voice elevates the experience. Not my fault you don't have a multithreaded dual cortex.
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