Late reply
to this post because I needed the
profile post character limit increased:
This is a good idea but it's kind of difficult to do that without becoming a nuisance. If I replied to every post I saw that jumped to wild conclusions telling them to stop jumping to conclusions I'd just become "that guy"
I'd like it if people on the forum would think more critically before malding and filling multiple pages with rageposts about nothingburgers like the Merry thing, and I know that there are others who agree with me, but there are also a lot of people who don't agree so when I do express this I try to keep it vague and indirect on purpose because I'm not really addressing a single person, I'm addressing everyone who unnecessarily shat up the thread last night. Probably not anything that can be done about the forum becoming that way, but I like to at least try occasionally to ground us a little. Maybe I'm wrong to do so, who knows.
I feel a tinge of fear when I wake up, log in, and see this.
But at the same time, good brain chemical.