"'That's frenching, young blue bear' it doesn't happen like this though! -does it? You don't just straight up just stick out your tongue and lick it... right? Oh it is? OK never mind then"Fujikura Uruka
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  • Just gonna list out all the topic I think i'm proficient enough to speak on at length since people seem to think i'm some kind of turbo old sage.

    Games: League (jhinmain) TF2 (Engie main.) Warframe (Oberon Main) MOBAs as a topic

    TV Hasbro 80's-90's Cartoons Gargoyles Gi Joe Pokemon Transformers MLP

    Comics. Marvel Spiderman Xmen Ghost Rider Hulk Moon Knight Taskmaster DC Static Shock Batman

    I think that's most of it.
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