Star Wars Jedi Knight III Jedi Academy my beloved!!!

It was never called Jedi Knight 3, the people who named that series were high as fuck.
>Dark Forces
>Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
>Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
>Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
I have never played a game that felt like it was designed to hate me more than Jedi Outcast. Phenomenal game but holy fuck was the game design malicious.
I look forward to someone designing a level in 3D or SMBU and all the people that practiced with SMW getting hard stuck by shit in those games like wall jumps, wall slides, and all those powerups. Hell, SMB3 has the Raccoon powerup and the SMB2 powerup. There's even game mode specific enemies like Cat Bowser. These girls need to practice SMM2 or they're going to get rolled by any levels that revolve around a specific mechanic/powerup.I think this is enough training for the Mario tournament.