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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
Silence fag, go back to the asylum ranch where you belong.“She is my savior. I will cling to her more and more and more. Continue referring to her by her real name. Next time I watch her stream, I will make sure to watch out for the secret signals and signs that she’s putting out just for me” -ViolentNugget
Forcing me to leave this site for a week has helped me to see what I wasn’t seeing before when I was still too focused on posting stupid shit when I was missing out on all her signs, I've finally realized that she loved me all along, those subtle signs that she showed during streams, like how she would pause mid sentences her testing if I noticed it or not and so far I’ve failed every time without realizing it, but not anymore, I refuse to be blinded by my stupidity and not being able to see the signs that she has left me, so wait for me Kronii I will fly to Canada just to marry you
And to @ proctor if it wasn't for you putting your foot down on me, I would've never seen the error of my ways, but it was thanks to you that I have been enlightened with a renewed new passion and love for the girls, seeing my old posts makes me embarrassed for the person I once was, how I was only being parasocial with them but missing all the obvious signs that they wanted the same thing, you have my deepest gratitude for opening my eyes to the truth
“Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy….you need to believe in things that aren't true, how else can they become?” -Terry Pratchett