Good evening TVA, this is your boy, God's Strongest Sanalite, and this post marks my 1,000th on the site. An impressive (and embarrassing) milestone to reach in such a short time, and one I'd like to believe stems from my hard and valiant work shilling my favorite vtubers, and not from being a no-life loser (

). I have been racking my brain recently, wondering what kind of autistic magnum opus I could create to celebrate this monumental occasion, but then, tragedy struck.
I am of course referring to the recent mass graduation of Production Kawaii gen 3. In particular, their resident gyaru beast lady Sava Safari, whom I've shilled heavily here and been a fan of practically since debut. This sudden graduation after less than a year of activity has deflated me, defeated me, torn the very soul from my mortal coil, and is all too reminiscent of the graduation of my kamioshi, Tsukumo Sana, just last year. It hurts so fucking much.
I have been considering how best to carry on in this doomed hellscape we call reality, and I have reached one inescapable conclusion. After making this post, I will be rebranding my account under the name
God's Strongest Gaogetter. This rebranding is not to imply that I have forsaken Sana or consider her less important, but in the same way I have used this account to process my grief over Sana's early departure, and to respect and honor her memory, I believe I must do so for Sava. This will not be a permanent change, as it seems at the moment that the talented and amazing woman behind Sava will be continuing her activities on a PL account, but even if the actress will continue on, the character will not, and I will always have a spot in my heart for that adorkable beastgirl. I will likely revert back to the Sana theme once Sava's PL is strongly established as an indie, or gets poached by Idol or some shit.
Thank you for reading this announcement. While I may be changing the face of this account, please know that I will still be the same person, making the same jokes and shillposts, and still thirsting for melanated gyaru women as I always have. Until next time, Savanyara!