Weekly Post Review Suggestions & Commentary Thread

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
On Monday I stated that I was planning to dedicate at least one stream per week on my Youtube Channel to reviewing the contents of the forum, in the form of a recap of the events and noteworthy posts that were made in the last seven days. This will be a Monday stream, with a Wednesday follow-up if there is additional content left over. Since I rarely have the time to carefully read literally every post this by-now rather fast-paced forum generates, I'm creating this thread so people can link specific posts they'd like to be included in the weekly commentary.

Commentary does not need to be limited to specific posts either. Anyone can ask me questions in this thread regarding events in the vtuber community or really any other space that they'd like my opinion on or insight into. Posts can be retroactive too; I'm open to commenting on old posts or events on the forum, though these will not be first choices if there is anything else ahead of them in the queue.

Stream time will be 22:00 UTC/10PM every week, with the strong possibility of it moving forwards by an hour or two as the days get shorter. I cannot stream much earlier than 10PM at the moment because I live on a farm, and animals do not go to bed before then.

Note: TVA's Discord server has a stream-material channel you can also use to submit posts for commentary. I will review both these before each stream, so it doesn't hugely matter where you make your suggestion.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
You should probably banner this so it doesn't get lost in the sauce.


Revived Lurker
Joined:  Dec 19, 2023

Ginkgo Balboa 🌾🗡

Sea Bunny Enjoyer 💛
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
Rima Evenstar has released a long documentary on BunnyAyu, the twitch whore and sexpest who tried to become a vtuber and later returned to twitch thottery, and Admiral Bahroo, who I know less about. It's noteworthy in particular because BunnyAyu is try to return to the vtuber scene.

BunnyAyu is planning to become a vtuber again, and has always shat up the space with her constant catfights and excessive need to be the centre of attention. She definitely matters as long as she's attempting to insert herself into the space, and the more people who know about her past, the better.
I watched about the first 20 minutes of Rima's video, mostly because despite not following any of the people involved, the unbearable stink that BunnyAyu and Bahroo caused was practically unavoidable. I wasn't aware of just how toxic that BunnyAyu skank was (the soulless fish eyes should be a dead giveaway, I guess that's why she's always shoving her tits into the camera lens.) Nor was I aware Layna was undergoing cancer treatment.

At the time I just handwaved it as /cgl/ dramashit -it certainly started as such- but honestly, fuck these grifters.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Here's a google sheet I've created to keep track of posts I intend to feature on TVA In Review. The formatting should be quite obvious. Each topic has a header, then a vertical column of links to posts associated with that topic. Each column is highlighted a different colour for easy legibility.

This is the public version; I have a private copy only I can edit, so it can't be easily vandalized. I check all links prior to stream and always open them in a hidden window before displaying them on OBS, so catfishing attempts are pointless.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
(Pg. 253, Post 5043)
Frz uncovers shady dealings in a Vietnamese corpo
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Kick Vtuber Shenanigans
EDITED 10/12/24
(Pg. 249, Post 4968)
Banana Hammock reveals that Kick is trying to entice Vtubers onto their platform, also Kick apparently has their own Vtuber group

(Pg. 249, Post 4976)
Further information

(Pg. 249, Post 4979 & 4980)
Opinions from Restless and Seth

(Pg. 253, Post 5042)
Banana Hammock discovers one of the Kick talents has been taking shots at the platform and basically vanished off of the internet

(Pg. 255, Post 5091)
Restless digs more into Kick's Vtuber Agency

(Pg. 256, Post 5111)
Frz responds with some more info and speculation
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Nagisa Trout Goes on a Mystery Hiatus from NijiJP
EDITED 17/10/24
(Pg. 251, Post 5002)
MornLurker informs the thread of Nagisa Trout's (a newly debuted NijiJP talent) sudden and unexplained hiatus

(Pg. 251, Post 5005)
Soapsuds returns to the forum to add some context and provides a possible explanation
(Pg. 303, Post 6045)
Soapsuds updates on the Nagisa situation: Now closing down memberships
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Thank you, these are all pretty good.

Your sudden helpfulness worries me.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Kyo/Quinn Has a Melty
EDITED 17/10/24
(Nijisanji L Thread, Pg. 515, Post 10287)
Continuous Retardation uncovers a Quinn (Kyo Kaneko of NijiEN) fan's Twitter antics

(Nijisanji L Thread, Pg. 517, Post 10321)
Bernkastel brings in a fresh Quinn melty

(General Thread, Pg. 253, Post 5048)
Azehara provides a summary of the rant

All of these got reposted to the general thread but discussed more thoroughly on NijiLs

(General Thread, Pg. 310, Post 6198)
Frz provides his own short summary and impressions of the rant
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
(Pg. 250, Post 4999)
Henya returns to streaming

(Pg. 250, Post 4996)
Holo will have their last World Tour concert in Taiwan


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
That's all for now, I do realize I'm basically just doing what Empty_inbox already does but whatever, I'll update these if new developments come up, feel free to pick and choose which ones you'd like to feature and don't let this discourage others from making their own suggestions. I just read every single page so I'd thought I'd contribute for once in my life lol.

Also I hope you don't mind me spamming this thread, if it gets too crowded we could delete past entries or move them to a proper community happenings thread.

Color Key
The Good:
Good/Neutral news one-shots
Asylum Conversations/Funny Posts

The Bad:
Drama Unreliable Info/Commentary/Shitposting
Drama Additional Info/Context/Secondary Drama
Drama Main Topic
Asylum Drama/Happenings
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Merryweather Gets Oneguy'd
(Fall of 2024 Twitch Banning Spree, Pg. 5, Post 88)
egg the boiled brings up a Twitter exchange between Merryweather and a "Twich Staffer"

VThis gets reposted in the general threadV

(General Thread, Pg. 258, Post 5153)
Seth points out the (((Twitch Staffer))) is probably a fake
(Twitter thread)

(Fall of 2024 Twitch Banning Spree, Pg. 5, Post 94)
Smelliest confirms that the dude was in fact NOT Twitch Staff and Merry got DUPED
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
IDOL Gen3 Pre-Debut Fiasco and Rrating
EDITED 10/14/24
(Pg. 263, Post 5251)
Idol reveals new Gen

(Pg. 265, Post 5292)
closedblas brings up a possible queer roommate

(Pg. 265, Post 5295 & 5296)
Banana Hammock and Seth seemingly confirm both the roommate identity and gender fuckery

(Pg. 276, Post 5516)
Aka Split pretty much confirms PL

(Pg. 277, Post 5525)
Magic Hammer discovers she's an actual ESG activist

(Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation Thread, Pg. 37, Post 733)
Extra information on the alleged roommate courtesy of Short

(Pg. 278, Post 5550)
Shipmate collates info on all of the Gen 3 roommates, entire gen seems to be a shitshow
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
(Pg. 267, Post 5328)
Empty_Inbox announces his graduation and ceasing of his work on thread recaps
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Proctor Finds A Degenerate Couple
(Pg. 270, Post 5400)
Proctor asks for info on a random whore he found

(Pg. 272, Post 5421)
Frz digs into the topic

(Pg. 272, Post 5433)
Shipmate finds some rrats
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
IRIAM Bribes EN Creators to Populate their Platform
EDITED 22/10/24
(Pg. 294, Post 5865)
Proctor points out that small corpo Bond is moving to the IRIAM platform and abandoning all presence in Youtube

(Pg. 296, Post 5906)
Frz gives a quick rundown of Bond's history
(Pg. 344, Post 6875)
Update: Bond's talents have been absorbed by Lucid

(Pg. 314, Post 6261)
Hotdogs Aplenty warns of Nyaru's deal with IRIAM to join the platform

(Pg. 314, Post 6265)
Peanut Gallery adds Ami Amami onto the list of Vtubers joining IRIAM

(Pg. 315, Post 6286)
JusticeDog contributes info about another small corpo joining IRIAM
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
VA AI Spergout
EDITED 17/10/24

(Pg. 298, Post 5958)
Awoogers shares CyYu's melty over AI voices in a game

(Pg. 299, Post 5976)
Jambalaya provides some context and commentary on the situation

(Pg. 308, Post 6143)
Amalee joins the bandwagon courtesy of TofuEnjoyer

(Pg. 308, Post 6146)
John Vtuber has some insightful commentary about the situation

(Pg. 311, Post 6218)
Jambalaya shares even more information and commentary on the situation
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Rie Gets Hacked
(Pg. 302, Post 6038)
DelusionTree informs of Himemiya Rie's possible Youtube account hack

(Pg. 303, Post 6056)
JMForte provides some additional information

(Pg. 304, Post 6062)
Salado posts Rie's formal response to the situation

(Pg. 304, Post 6067)
JMForte shares the funny link which Pippa clicked

(Pg. 316, Post 6315)
Anime Fan claims Shiina has gotten hacked too via phishing link
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Bluesky Migration/Anti AI Protest
EDITED 18/10/24
(Pg. 303, Post 6050)
Peanut Gallery informs the thread of Mythic vtuber Coqui's alleged departure from Twitter to new platform Bluesky due to mandated AI scraping
UPDATE: She still hasn't deleted

(Pg. 303, Post 6055)
Banana Hammock adds Namie's (HoloEN Sana's PL) similar departure

(Pg. 310, Post 6200)
Kaminari Clara & Sayu Sincronisity make Bluesky accounts courtesy of Banana Hammock

(Pg. 311, Post 6215)
Ashelia Rinkou makes a Bluesky account

(Pg. 311, Post 6205)
red road points out the fact that Bluesky has banned a Japanese artist for a totally normal piece of anime art, setting a bad precedent for Vtubers on the platform
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