"I never said that, pay attention to the wording, I... uhhuhuHuHUHh I said 'I just don't swing that way', that's not a hard no! uhuhHUHuhahaha"Fujikura Uruka
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If you ever want people to go against something just have the left wing support it, who could have known that vtubers would be the catalyst to make people switch sides
Lui is on a forced streaming break until Saturday (at least), for health reasons. Considering that she was visibly nodding off during intermissions in Ollie's Apex collab and sounded really rough, it's not surprising.
Some minor info from Calli's recent Japanese zatsudan: she recorded both EN and JP lines for her Hologra, but she thinks the EN lines were the ones used.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel that off-branch zatsudans in general (e.g. Lui's EN, Calli and Bae's JP, Hakka's ES) tend to reveal different sides of the streamers. Then again, the only language I understand out of those three is English. I wish Axel's JP zatsudans were translated or clipped more often.
shouldve screenshotted, by the time ive checkd it seems jannies swept shit up and selen chat went subs only, nina one has 10 minute cd and i dont care about the rest really
shouldve screenshotted, by the time ive checkd it seems jannies swept shit up and selen chat went subs only, nina one has 10 minute cd and i dont care about the rest really
shouldve screenshotted, by the time ive checkd it seems jannies swept shit up and selen chat went subs only, nina one has 10 minute cd and i dont care about the rest really
Selen's schedule post is still thoroughly infested with Ukraine flags doing the usual concern troll posts.
Was tempted to parody them by posting "Please don't play Valorant! Many people don't know this, but Valorant is a shit game, and buying it directly funds the creation of other shit games!", but my lurker instincts remain too strong.
God damnit I already bought a shitty HP game out of spite and now these fucking hohol faggots that don't even watch vtubers are trying to convince me to buy a copy of Atomic Heart too
God damnit I already bought a shitty HP game out of spite and now these fucking hohol faggots that don't even watch vtubers are trying to convince me to buy a copy of Atomic Heart too
Atomic Heart is also on PC gamepass. You can pretty much play it for free. Unless of course you just want to funnel Russia more money, then you can go full price
I will buy as many copies of Atomic Heart as I can if it kills Ukrainians faster. I hope it's all inclusive and even goes to third generation descendants. My time has come, I'm ready.
Haven't people already learned that trying to shame others for playing a game doesn't work and actually makes those people, their fans, and most dangerously, the silent majority, all hate you?
Haven't people already learned that trying to shame others for playing a game doesn't work and actually makes those people, their fans, and most dangerously, the silent majority, all hate you?
The notion that people may learn from other's mistakes is the most fucking optimistic shit I've seen on this forum by far! That made me chuckle a bit, thank you
Haven't people already learned that trying to shame others for playing a game doesn't work and actually makes those people, their fans, and most dangerously, the silent majority, all hate you?
The ukes too busy shooting bullets or troll rhetorics at the ruskies soldiers/shitposters to learn that what trans did against HP legacy wasn't working.
Who is this creature? Listening to this makes me feel a weird sense of deja-vu were /vt/ schizophrenia has somehow permeated normie discourse and the world is about to fucking end. The chat isn't just going "hurr durr chuubas are evil pedo shit" so i'm guessing these people are at least somewhat knowledgeable about ze vtube?
Sorry, I didn't see this right away. TheAlmightyLoli is a media reviewer/whatever-he-wants-to-do channel and a pretty big vtuber fan. He's put short vtuber clips in his videos, donated to Pippa streams a few times and was even streamsniped by her once, so many of his viewrs are vtuber fans or at least Pippa fans.
I'm pretty sure he browsed the homeland, though ironically I don't think he touched the vtuber thread, as he mentions Josh fairly often and seemed to be up to date on all of the lolcow happenings but typically learned about most vtuber stuff from his audience. His friend, the one reading off of /vt/, doesn't watch vtubers but just browses /vt/ to laugh at schizos. Not sure what would make him do this if he isn't familiar with the people being discussed but he probably started doing it to poke fun at his friend. Their stuff has been posted a few times in this thread before. They first got the homeland thread's attention when they bullied Flamenco into drunk DMing Iron Mouse which resulted in him getting banned. I think this was before Flam's porn history leak. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/virtual-youtubers.69525/post-11788667
EDIT: He was also in the MATI stream chat today. New Tucker AI dropped. Art tax:
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