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1914: Stars EN 3 includes a Serb who bullies Kiara until she snaps and calls him a femboy surviving on a diet of Russian semen live on stream
1939: Kiara resolves to find a solution to the continuous expansion of Idol Corp
1984: Futakuchi Mana calls Kiara a soul-sucking parasite of the working class on twitter after Kiara mentions having become a landlady herself. Nobody who matters notices
You want a truly horrible prediction of the future.
1914: StarsEn implodes with a live fight between Altaire and Vesper because Vesper mentions wanting to play wizard game but "someone" blocked him
1939: StarsEn are forcibly graduated and memory holed
1984: Cover upper management starts using the term idol company again and stars gets even less attention and funding.
One of the best singers in all of EN vtubing period. Unfortunately her somewhat unexciting song selection for covers and kinda eccentric original songs mean that she still flies under the radar a bit.
Enna just sang Roll Dat Dough live with an audience of 15k. She's also going to sing an arrangement of Ethyria that was supposed to be shown at AR, but since that's not happening anytime soon, she's singing it now.
One of the best singers in all of EN vtubing period. Unfortunately her somewhat unexciting song selection for covers and kinda eccentric original songs mean that she still flies under the radar a bit.
I've seen the random clip of Enna here and there, her normal speaking voice is a filter for me so I never even thought to check into a singing stream. She completely took me off-guard, her singing IS amazing! But like... where the heck does her singing voice come from??
I did not expect her to be an (aspiring) tradwife, which is definitely a dying breed. How many of the women in your circle can you say want that kind of future?
I did not expect her to be an (aspiring) tradwife, which is definitely a dying breed. How many of the women in your circle can you say want that kind of future?
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