Apologies for the delay and how sparse everything ended up turning out. The formatting is likely fucked on mobile.
Preface aside, beware of
Our story starts with two Production Kawaii talents.

Peony Aeria | Aletta Sky
Debuted 2022/08/28 | Debuted 2022/08/28
7.9k subscribers | 12.6k subscribers
@Peony_Kawaii | @Aletta_kawaii
Preface aside, beware of

Our story starts with two Production Kawaii talents.

Peony Aeria | Aletta Sky
Debuted 2022/08/28 | Debuted 2022/08/28
7.9k subscribers | 12.6k subscribers
@Peony_Kawaii | @Aletta_kawaii
Peony had a 12 hour stream on 2022/12/03. She sung karaoke and played games with viewers. The event was apparently long awaited for her dewdrops, as one dedicated fan took time off work to view it as seen in the archive below.

The stream goes on as planned until a sloppy transition presents some interesting information. She took the stream down but I have an archive of most of it.
We can see Aletta's account on the left but who is its lunalia?
A benefit of League of Legends being one of the largest games in the world is extensive 3rd party match tracking. So with little fanfare, we can look up this person's account and see what they've been up to.
Here's an account on EU West that has match history with Peony. Note that getting to level 218 in LoL means this person has spent a decent amount of time playing the game. That being said, I think the next step is to just search the name and see what we get.
Streamer from the UK? We might have a bead on something. It seems her linked twitch was nuked but the account name was its_lunalia.
Interesting, now we have a face. I wonder what that YouTube video was in the search?
This is a compilation of Teamfight Tactics moments, a game that is played from within the League client. The clip starts at 2:17. Here is a local copy in case that video ceases to exist.
It seems like its_lunalia is Aletta Sky.
Sounds nearly exactly the same, had played with Peony, and started nuking accounts from orbit when Peony's stream was pulled. Is it 100% concrete? No, and there is still a lot of information to be collected. The TikTok videos in their entirety would make this more complete and I've read rumblings on /vt/ that there were even more videos by unrelated parties that featured its_lunalia that have now gone missing. There is also work to be done analyzing much of her past LoL history and seeing if there's more information to be gleaned. It is likely mortifying for both Aletta and Peony but this is just another lesson in opsec learned the hard way.
I will update this post with any more information I find.

The stream goes on as planned until a sloppy transition presents some interesting information. She took the stream down but I have an archive of most of it.
We can see Aletta's account on the left but who is its lunalia?
A benefit of League of Legends being one of the largest games in the world is extensive 3rd party match tracking. So with little fanfare, we can look up this person's account and see what they've been up to.
Here's an account on EU West that has match history with Peony. Note that getting to level 218 in LoL means this person has spent a decent amount of time playing the game. That being said, I think the next step is to just search the name and see what we get.
Streamer from the UK? We might have a bead on something. It seems her linked twitch was nuked but the account name was its_lunalia.
Interesting, now we have a face. I wonder what that YouTube video was in the search?
This is a compilation of Teamfight Tactics moments, a game that is played from within the League client. The clip starts at 2:17. Here is a local copy in case that video ceases to exist.
It seems like its_lunalia is Aletta Sky.
Sounds nearly exactly the same, had played with Peony, and started nuking accounts from orbit when Peony's stream was pulled. Is it 100% concrete? No, and there is still a lot of information to be collected. The TikTok videos in their entirety would make this more complete and I've read rumblings on /vt/ that there were even more videos by unrelated parties that featured its_lunalia that have now gone missing. There is also work to be done analyzing much of her past LoL history and seeing if there's more information to be gleaned. It is likely mortifying for both Aletta and Peony but this is just another lesson in opsec learned the hard way.
I will update this post with any more information I find.
Edit 1 (2022/12/04): Twitter media link has been replaced with a screenshot of the archive as the original tweet was deleted.
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