I think Kiara has college degree in event planning or similar.
I think she has said she went to some kind of trade school that prepared her for hotel service work and that's what she would be doing if she had not gotten accepted into hololive. Also that she passed everything to become a flight attendant, but then at the final medical exam let something slip that disqualified her from ever being able to become one.
Nerissa and Bae collab coming up soon. Reminder that Bae was the 2nd senpai to ever talk to Nerissa (after Kiara of course) and they hit it off immediately. This should be a good time.
The twins will also be playing River City Girls at the same time. I am once again begging for timeslot changes.
They seem to be pulling numbers, so I guess they know what they are doing, but I agree it is kind of annoying having all of them overlap and stream at roughly the same times. And not even just each other, but also at times similar to Myth and Council as well.
I like all the little bits in the last few streams where she references old internet shit. It does not really seem to be clipped much but at least this one has a few of them.
I was curious since I never heard them before and it led me to also skimming their graduation stream and they were already using those character voices in their PL.
Can I say that I would probably oshi them if they used their normal voices? I can't really tolerate the baby drawl when it's in a language I understand.
Never happening. Instead let's hope they strain their vocal cords or some shit and have to forcibly drop it like Suisei.
I'm kind of getting used to it and it works better in their BAU BAU forms than their previous ones. But still I'd prefer if they just used their normal voices.
I was thinking about this recently as well. I was kind of surprised people were debating whether they were ESL or not, and apparently even other Holos were saying stuff about how they're EN but able to speak Japanese, when to my ears they could only be ESL. The younger sister especially.
With how often they, especially mococo, need to think about an English word it's probably the neck deep living in jp problem.
Kinda like irys just with additional accent.
Living in another region and actively using the language many people unconsciously adapt to local accents.
Add the moe voice on top and I can see how people get the impression of ESL.
But they are definitely not.
In the comments section I was talking about previously, JP bros were saying they spoke JP very well, but it was still obvious that it wasn't their primary language and they didn't sound quite native/fluent. Others were debating about whether they were ESL too, but most said they are native EN, like here, and I agree especially after hearing their GGN debut voices. They sound native there to my ear in that video. Like you said, I think immersing themselves in JP they probably lose their EN a bit after a while, like IRyS and Bae both occasionally have problems with remembering words and pronunciation. They must have switched sometime to the moe voice or slowly moved to it while doing GGN, because by the graduation stream they were pretty much talking like they do now as FuwaMoco.
Nerissa likes 80s MLP, i think that is still okay. Back in that time the girls watched that shit. But the current MLP show is pretty toxic, and spawned a bunch of retarded brony like chris chan and the Ohio blue pony who loves to LMAOOOOOO
80s MLP. That's fine. 80s MLP fans are women in their forties to sixties who absolutely
despise bronies.
Which btw, implies

I have 2 girls who were the right age for MLP:FiM and watched it with them. It is a good show, at least in the beginning, and even the brony movement wasn't terrible at first when it was just people enjoying the show. Also, my wife was an '80s MLP enjoyer and still managed to like G4 as well for what it was (before it got too preachy in the later seasons and especially now with G5). It's the clop clop crap that drug it down and the problem now is that the sane people have mostly moved on from MLP now and all that is left is those diehard clopper degens.
Wtf she is talking about the Polly Pocket tiny dolls? Hag indeed lol that some 80s and 90s shit.
Does she have a sister? I forget. I remember her talking about a brother, but that shit could be hand-me-downs if she has one, though it seems like Mattel tried to push Polly Pocket again in the 2000s, so maybe not. I think MLP was always kinda an omnipresent thing for girls, at least a little bit, until the new show gave it a resurgance. I remember relatives having dolls for it in the 2000s before the new shit.
Nerissa is 26, anyway.
There was a Polly Pocket cartoon made just a couple years ago and PP toys are still in stores, so that's not relegated to the '80-90s either.