"Ayase Yuu issu Coca-cola!"Ayase Yuu

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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Slime head is not Moona, if you couldn't tell from the purple colour scheme.

Zen is a mod in a number of their channels so...
Thought the voice sounded very familiar but wasn't sure since her name wasn't in the tag.


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I wouldn't go as far as saying most of the girls are in a relationship, mainly because they are vtubers. Anime and game-loving otakus of the highest caliber, and often menhera, with their hiring criterias being years of gaming and maybe streaming.
Some exceptions like Azki, sure. But honestly, most of them were NEETs that just happened to land a gig at an anime streamer company. Don't expect these people to go out for a tinder meet and fuck just because they landed one of the weebiest jobs on the planet.
People who think these women all have boyfriends or husbands with kids are just as bad as purityfags.
Imagine pippa going tinder meet and fuck irl...... it gives me shiver



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Niji and Indie Simp
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I wouldn't go as far as saying most of the girls are in a relationship, mainly because they are vtubers. Anime and game-loving otakus of the highest caliber, and often menhera, with their hiring criterias being years of gaming and maybe streaming.
Some exceptions like Azki, sure. But honestly, most of them were NEETs that just happened to land a gig at an anime streamer company. Don't expect these people to go out for a tinder meet and fuck just because they landed one of the weebiest jobs on the planet.
The funny thing about this, that's the prime candidate for guys in Japan to go after. Yeah birthrates blah blah is low but deep down men like broken women regardless of to what extent (unless you're Mel Nekomata or Shondo, stay away from that kind of broken.) Keep in mind too we don't know them on a personal level, just what they want the eyes of the internet to see. Not saying they go get dicked down once the stream ends, it just wouldn't be too surprising since the better you are at hiding things/doing your job, the less likely people are to want to dig deep down.
please do enlighten me on the pekora i actually dont know a lot of rrats on the rabbit

also since we are talking about marriage didnt tamaki also got married i think back in 2021/2022?
Not too much that I looked into beyond that she was basically the equivalent of an e-girl back in the NND days. Not to the extent of Noel, but they all had their moments.
I don't think anyone in the right mind would
Men have 2 brains, their head and their dick. Regardless of being in a right mind or not, your dick don't care.
For the best, really. Pokemon sucks.
I don't mind Pokemon stuff honestly because if they grew up with it or have some attachment it could lead to some kino content. The issue comes with the perms and how they very obviously have to spam it due to time limits so it feels eh seeing 700 streams of it every day.


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Gods Strongest Subatomo
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WTF She has a new hair already??? Does Koyori sucks cocks to get this or does these things get grinded based in stream hours??



basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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Faceless Waifu

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So they are doing a collab with that dude from Maha5? its he going to stay as a normal streamer now?
probably his own choice until he feel like he want to return as vtuber again. I know that there are some graduated ID vtubers that ended up doing content without going virtual, mostly because their PL is already like that or just not having desire/plans for it.

So far that I know (or heard second hand) is that the PL of graduated ex-ID Taka Radjiman ended up becoming normal content creator (no virtual avatar) and distancing from it after graduating, and on his PL he basically showcasing his IRL look more often (even appearing on niji ex-ID Xia Ekavira's PL doing music together)

El Rrata

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Keep in mind too we don't know them on a personal level, just what they want the eyes of the internet to see. Not saying they go get dicked down once the stream ends, it just wouldn't be too surprising since the better you are at hiding things/doing your job, the less likely people are to want to dig deep down.
I think that largely depends on the person. Fauna and Ina are pretty closed off and secretive, for example. Then you have IRyS and Kiara, who try and share every part of their lives they possibly can. Everyone else is somewhere in-between, from how it feels.

People who think these women all have boyfriends or husbands with kids are just as bad as purityfags.
A lot of people like that don't understand that a large portion of the world's population do not priotitize romantic relationships nor are they obsessed with breeding offspring but love to project that onto others.


Soldier of Godrick
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Pekora is staying pure until she graduates as an idol.

Henya has purity thrust upon her.

Marine... um... hmm...


Rrat Dissolver
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Drink Milk
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It's not too late for Bijou to make a surprise appearance on the EN team for Pokemon Unite

this is how they win
i don't understand how this helps them win geodude has shit for attacks.

looks better but is very over designed i get the coomerbait hatred but the model is still "good" its just that it makes whores look modest.

The Vshowhoe announcement is premiering. Its their first ever concert, it’ll be on youtube and theres gonna be 5 original songs.

imagine if the reason Hime never streamed so long was she was in the writers mine :talentfreedom:
Well it would be a sin and a crime if you didnt give Ironmouse a solo
Can she even sing for prolonged periods? I vaguely remember her saying that shes getting to the point where she can't do prolonged singing anymore. (i assume barring some low effort songs)
I can't imagine her with another model then the laugh dragon though....
I mean if she does leave theres noting stopping her from making Walmart Selen.
To be fair, both girls have people at Holo to give them info on whether Holo could even do something for them that Niji wouldn't. Holo management has their own share of problems as a Japanese company, too. There would also be the baseline level of commitment to the fact that they would be expected to do idol shit.

I doubt Nina would go for it, but I think there is a chance Selen would. Of course, Selen would have to graduate before that even is even a consideration, which isn't a given, even all things considering.
Didin't Selen say she hated doing idol stuff? I think shes more likely to go indie or chase the jewgold then anyone else. Dispite how well she might fit in with some of the phase girls I don't see it happen Fishman is good at his job but phase is stilll really small time it would be a get for fishman but i think she would have better luck back on her PL and setting things up herself but to me the real contender here is Idol. they are also small but Av is willing to throw money at the talents in addition to having the perks of a management along with very minimal idol activity requirements despite the name (three things Selen wants)

TLDR Selen enjoys the perks of having a Manager (to do the work for her) and Not having to do Idol stuff (unless she wants to) she also wants the ability to make things happen as shes showing her ability to organize when given allowance (Money/Connections) so I doubt she will end up in any company that cannot give her at least two of those things.

Or she applies to EIEN as a joke and becomes and ironic Ethot.
I mean....Bleach exists....
Stop stop it's already dead (I infact am enjoying the War arc)
It's times like this I realize that I was spoiled growing up on 80s Astroboy.
The superior shonen anime.
but didin't say Mazinger or Getter Robo. SMH
It really is a skeel issue when you are born younger than the fucking lmao ohio man
Decided to be born at all. Skill issue.
If i had to rank the top 3.
1.- Dragon ball is the undisputed king of LatAm
2.- a very close second is Saint seiya (I couldn't, find a single soul that watched SS omega beyond season 1, fuck even the old watch dropped that shit faster than a nuke after Ikki showed up.)
3.- Pokemon, the anime dropped like a fucking bomb out of nowhere and it remained, fuck i saw some acquaintances make a small comeback to see Ash's victory and farewell.

After that is murky waters, Yuyu Hakusho, Slayers, Sakura card Captor, Captain Tsubasa, Evangelion, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Candy Candy, Samurai Pizza Cats, Gundam Wing, Heidi, Remi, Inuyasha, Shaman King. My pick for a fourth place would be Digimon, everyone fucking knows the S1 OP.
Every generation has its favorites and it varies from person to person, among my Parents, mine and my nephews generations there's a wide array of the top 5, and top 10.
no one mentioning Mazinger or Getter Robo. not just the guy i'm replying to. yall uncultured.
So to compare it to something like League
JP: 1 low diamond, 1 low plat, 2 mid gold, and 1 bronze
EN: 1 low gold, 1 high silver, 1 mid silver, 1 bronze, and 1 unknown
ID: 2 diamonds, 2 high silvers, and 1 unknown

You know, I understand why Kiara doesn't care too much. She's a fresh player put on a team with silver players where the "gamer" is low gold while pretty much both teams you're playing against have players that are all higher ranked that your "gamer". This shit is going to be a bloodbath.
not to diss the JP and ID girls but ive destroyed higher ranks before it's entirely possible that the bird googles artistically still she finds some anti meta or troll tech. even with it's low skill ceiling there still some there (usually revolving around sacrafice plays)
> his Mom kept giving him food and it was keeping him out of shape
Exercise more femboy! Imagine blaming your mom for your weight when you're a fucking adult!
diet is more important then exercise at soon as i started cooking for myself the bit of weight i had fucking vanished. Dad had a very limited diet due to medical conditions and it was packing on needless pounds for me.
For the best, really. Pokemon sucks.
you are statistically wrong can't wait for your oshi's to play more.

Jolted Cookies

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Biggest takeaways from the graphs
1. Individual earnings for company grow more and more irrelevant. Merchandise, events and increasingly so collaborations are where the real money is.
Do you think at some point this would become so trivial that Cover would let the talents have a better cut? It would be interesting if a talent used this to advocate for a better percentage. Though with all of them comfortably(?) making six figures, no one’s going to rock that boat.

Date of the Twitter post

Someone actually did post a link to the Twitter post at some point, but, yeah, it's been a few years. Azki and Aki I think are the only Hololive girls we think are currently married?
I thought Aki was heavily assumed, but not actually confirmed? Also, what happened with that rrat of Moona getting married?
So potentially 3 talents.


Todd's Strongest Howard

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It's a mix of burnout going through phases, Holosummer stirring back motivation, EN3 forcing her to come back and fulfill the role of EN Daisenpai, and she might have finished a lot of the largest projects for the year and has more time for regular content

She finally cornered Vesper and forced him to watch the baby for once so she can get back to work and make real money since he's been laid off.

Men have 2 brains, their head and their dick. Regardless of being in a right mind or not, your dick don't care.

There's actually a third, stomach. Most men have only one or two. Even if bitch crazy, if she cooks a few good meals and is cute then it's a problem. Thankfully the modern zoomette can't cook for shit.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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She finally cornered Vesper and forced him to watch the baby for once so she can get back to work and make real money since he's been laid off.

There's actually a third, stomach. Most men have only one or two. Even if bitch crazy, if she cooks a few good meals and is cute then it's a problem. Thankfully the modern zoomette can't cook for shit.
the way to a mans heart is through his stomach

if she can cook good food shes ringable

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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the way to a mans heart is through his stomach

if she can cook good food shes ringable

25% of the reason I like Kirsche is that she can cook.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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Do you think at some point this would become so trivial that Cover would let the talents have a better cut? It would be interesting if a talent used this to advocate for a better percentage. Though with all of them comfortably(?) making six figures, no one’s going to rock that boat.
I think if the talent is an idiot they would ask for it. And if Cover is smart they would let them. Because it would satisfy a person and not affect Cover's income in a significant way. Otherwise getting better cut from your merch, and promotions you are participating in is obviously a better deal. What it shows is people don't throw more money in superchats and memberships, but they absolutely do spend it on merch and tickets. And companies are willing to pay a lot just to have your face on their product.

Lurker McSpic

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25% of the reason I like Kirsche is that she can cook.
That explains her mass

And companies are willing to pay a lot just to have your face on their product.
Japanese companies. On the EN side they're lacking in that department and with the moralfagging against anime that they've been cooking I wonder if they would start breaking the ice into other companies. The don't even have sponsorships with Nord vpn and those Yamanbas sponsor pretty much anyone.


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Lumi confirmed hag. From her own mouth/Tweet. Case closed. Lock it up, throw away the key, no revisions allowed.

:holohag::hololove: now applicable to Kaneko Lumi.

El Rrata

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