Edit: Now in Kiara's chat, too.
At this point, Kiara is like Guras subchannel
I unironically believe that Kiara likes hanging out in Kiaras channel because she feels much more safe and comfortable with the numbers Kiara pulls and always is stressed when talking to her own chat
Also, the Kiara-Gura friendship was one of the best things 2023 has brought us, its extremely cute how close they are now and I wish they were that close in 2021 already but I guess it took them that long to meet up irl
The moment Kiara and Gura met in person during the first big Myth offcollab, Kiara managed to break all ice with Gura finally and all it took was threatening to Kiss Gura

I also like how Kiara describes her relationship with Gura as basically a little sister, they are close enough to throw insults and bantz at each other and this kind of relationship Kiara doesnt really have with that many other girls
Mumei is being weird too, giving me Niji weird posting before annoucement vibes.
I would assume it is them being sly before an offcollab. Council has a thing to never announce offcollabs and generate hype in advance and just kinda drops them
Yeah I remember Gura mentioned a while back that she has a manager that lives in the same city as her and that her manager would go with her to her singing/dancing lessons.
Doesnt Gura have the same manager as Kiara? And even if not, this is the first time I hear about a Cover manager not living in JP

I dont think any of the other managers are US based, are you sure her manager lives with her or did she just come over from Japan to assist the shork
I never knew Filian was this big holy shit
I just assumed a rather popular twitch indie, but 2 million makes her a top dog in all of vtubing, holy hell
Im kinda curious. I see a lot of people here talking about how old they are. How old are we talking? In their 40's? In their 60's? I dont wanna be assossiated with a bunch of old fucks on their dying bed. Or maybe on the same range as mine ( closer to the 30 ) and ive just spent my younger days touching grass instead of getting to know everything about the internet
Idk, my post style might have revealed it already, but I assume I am on the younger side of the more-or-less regular users of the site. All I'll say is that I am younger than Nolan
A common love for Kiara led to unironic lesbians to get engaged
At this point I really shouldn't be surprised that Kiara attracts an audience of gays and lesbians
Came across this video about the so-called Hololive City
Looks pretty damn barren and empty to me, just a couple of flags and cut-outs that are just kinda there
Come on Cover, do better!
Or are Japs this much starved for anything that they think this is interesting and exciting?
I might have missed it if its been posted before, but whatever
Usada Kensetsu is being revived as an Unit as well for Holo Summer
Also whenever I see Usaken, I get sad that fans back in 2020 went full retard and took the little Kiara vs Moona arc weirdly seriously
I would have loved to see some kind of friendly rivalry with Moona in Minecraft, would have been Kino, but the world wasn't ready yet for Sun & Moon
I am glad the Minecraft corporation kino isn't fully dead yet, apart from ShiraKen
Ike Apology stream when?

I like this idea
They need all the manpower they can get to get another European in EN3
To end, have something sappy:
and something that hurts: