"Man it feels so good to hear my name screamed... with so much despair"IRyS

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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Asylum's lurker
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Fresh from twitter, Miyu Ottavia of niji ex-id will be graduating this month
Also this should be the first graduation from any niji-ID members I guess?

Balancing out the sad news, suichan is back this week and immediately doing live session with a few sets of announcements. There'll be some guests too

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Faceless Waifu

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Fresh from twitter, Miyu Ottavia of niji ex-id will be graduating this month
Also this should be the first graduation from any niji-ID members I guess?
Damn even though I rarely watch Nijisanji, it's sad to see when a vtuber graduates.

rrat: she's been scouted by Hololive lol (it is highly unlikely)

Balancing out the sad news, suichan is back this week and immediately doing live session with a few sets of announcements. There'll be some guests too
I thought we are going to wait until mid-November, seems her recovery is going blazingly fast.

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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Rye project streaming on twitch with her irl "avatar".

I went and investigated this when I got up and it looks like she's cleared everything off and her twitters locked down (don't think it was last time she randomly streamed)


Looks similar to Lumi's PL accounts.
Fortunately I was able to stumble across this on /LIG/

Not sure if there's any merit to that rrat going around about how she got into EN3 but Pippa just flat out said she graduated on Sundays stream when up until then I thought the story was she was going on indefinite hiatus to take care of a family member and would be doing guerrilla streams for the time being. Probably worth watching and keeping an eye out.


Asylum's lurker
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Damn even though I rarely watch Nijisanji, it's sad to see when a vtuber graduates.

rrat: she's been scouted by Hololive lol
Wouldn't be too wild to be true, she's one of the best nijisinger in my opinion
Though that'll be pretty funny because that would be the 2nd time it happened if true lol

btw to those interested, I've updated my recent post in stream archive thread about recording twtspaces. The guide works for both recorded/non-recorded archive and is my usual method for saving twtspaces in general
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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Tempus seems to watch each other's streams often even if they are silent a lot of the time and if any of them know what's coming at all, then someone will probably be on standby as Axel is probably the most generally lovable guy in Tempus. Even someone with as much pessimistic venom as Magni looks up to Axel because he's just a likable guy. I don't think Axel will be that alone if he really does breakdown, but I don't think he will unless he has some secret suicide witness story he's managed to keep inside this entire time as some kind of repressed memory.
True I didn't think about the very real possibility of another Holo in chat on standby even if it ain't another of the boys someone will notice plus he's got his manager so he'll get any help he needs pretty fast we just may not see the help live like we did with Mel
I've always been a little suspicious when vtubers claim to have never played or heard of a game before. It reminds me of a clip of Kronii a while back where iirc she had to switch games last minute to Return of the Obra Dinn and I vaguely remember getting the impression that she had never played it before when she was outed by having a 15 hour save file lol At least Grandpire admits that he doesn't want to play a game on stream that he is not familiar with.

I bet Axel has a vague idea like most people who are into Western weeb culture but may not know exactly wtf will happen.

He claims to have no idea what the game is and only knew it was a horror game because the Axolotls suggested it when he asked for horror game suggestions

I posted the waiting room but I don't think anyone posted the premiere

I'm loving these English covers it makes me excited for the semi official ones Amalee is gonna make
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This is not he first time I heard about Kiara being angry about sparks and management, does anyone have a summary of what happend in that members stream or even and archive ?
So I went back, listend to that whole 5 and half hours members stream to see what its all about because I too did hear a lot of rrats originating from this one. Turns out, most of the ranting and jucy stuff is in the very beginning of the stream, if anyone wants to hear the things shes talking about directly, its all pretty much in the first 12 minutes of the stream, which you can find here (catbox).
As someone who's watched most every Kiara stream and members, ironically SPARKS, the release that was screwed over, revived her music aspirations because it absolutely blew up and apparently management saw the success and became more supportive.

She doesn't say anything outright in that member's stream btw, she tells us to read between the lines. My rrat is that when she found out IRyS was being announced on her birthday and song release day (this was the 8h countdown), she wanted to move SPARKS to another day, but management has been notoriously a stickler for their song release dates, not just with Kiara. Based on what other talent have said I think it's something to do with scheduling releases with streaming services being difficult to reschedule.
You are pretty much right. Its very likely about the less than ideal release conditions of Sparks.
But I'll still transscribe things she said in the stream for people who dont want to bother to watch the linked clip above, but these are just bullet points so it might sound weird. I'll also put stuff that she said directly in italics.
  • Ame contacted and cheered Kiara up out of the blue, almost like she read my mind
  • Her previous release, Heart Challenger, was fucked over by YT (released when her channel got shadow banned), but she got over that, its okay, cant do much about it but hoped that the next release will go better
  • I dont feel supported, not not by you guys, you guys are doing great
  • Production of the song towards the end was very last minute
    • there were also some production isssues, but the song is out now and those are over now, its not about that
  • I wanted to do more with KIRA, but I dont know if I want to put in the effort anymore to make my own songs
  • there are so many factors that make me question it
  • Its not about being overshadowed by the Vsinger
  • I vented about this to my Genmates too, I talked to them even more openly
  • Its an internal matter

  • Myth was in a VC chatting together watching Irys debut and afterwards gave her critique and reviewed her performanc
  • She was also assigning new members from different timezones to be YTC moderators
  • I had to sign some letters by hand and send it back to Japan

I wanted to point out that last one because for me it would make sense if that was the contract with Cover she had to sign by hand and then send back. I suppose this checks out, the Myth girls got signed on sometime June.
She also briefly joked about how management doest want EN to have Gens and she says there is no Gen2 anyways, what should we even call them, or something like like. But by this time, Council was already in their Discord and preparing their debut.

Btw: Towards the beginning of the stream, she noted a new Company-wide live/hand-cam rule change. Managers must be alerted and presented all pictures/livecams BEFORE shown to audience. No more surprises, and no more content that is unchecked. It lines up with an earlier leak from Reimu.
Damn and here I thought PC was the anti-hololive with the talent freedom but without the Vshojo coombaiting :loading:
Their fucking metrics must show these new outfits/models as being popular with their core audience/fans. How many outfits and models does she even have at this point?
I'm pretty sure she has more Outfits than there are members of Vshojo by now
Now I need the Bad End to be voiced by everyone in Myth, then it'll be perfect.
You're in luck, Kiara still wants to voice it as well.

She already reacted to an earlier unfinished part of it a while ago too

Clip Tax:



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When Pomu drinks she becomes a rapper I guess

That twitter account by the way is the most obnoxious vshojo shill around. Yes, that's a niji post but here's some history.

Before vshojo, the account shilled a variety of English vtubers, including many indies. They wanted to promote a wide variety of them.

Then they basically turned into 95% vshojo posting with a sprinkling of others, whilst wanting submissions but never posting them.

They don't even do purely English VTubers now either, because as part of being a vshojo shill, they post Nazuna.....who is JP.

A few months ago they got ragged on for posting a kson clip and ended up posting this in reply, the quote tweets were something.


Like the Streamy Awards where only vshojo (and CodeMiko) matters, a clip channel with 269k followers doesn't want to shill others, even large indies.

Even Hololive and Nijisanji clips are a rarity, they'd rather shill for pink cat and veibae. A great example of why people can't stand most clipfags.
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Notice of Graduation of "Alta-Ile", "Karin", and "Yomina Minato"
Thank you for your continued support of MAHA5JAPAN.

We would like to inform you that three of our talents, "Alta-Ile", "Karin", and "Yomina Minato" will graduate from MAHA5JAPAN on November 30, 2022.

All three will end their activities upon graduation.
We apologize for the sudden notice to all the viewers and people who have been supporting us. We hope that you will warmly watch over our activities until the end.

<About the various services>
All distribution platforms: We will stop updating at the end of November. We will close it after that.

Membership: Will stop updating at the end of November.

Twitter: Will stop updating at the end of November. Twitter will be closed after that.

The items of the corresponding driver will be closed at the end of November.
We will not be able to respond to individual inquiries regarding this matter. Please refrain from making inquiries to the agency or the talent.

We will continue to support the activities of the other talents as usual, and we would appreciate your continued support.
Thank you for your continued support of MAHA5JAPAN.
November 1, 2022 MAHA5JAPAN

Never heard of Maha5 JP, seems like it's the season to graduate huh?


Previously known as Tatsunoko
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Overdramatic doctor tells her she's going to die if she doesn't take things easy. Climbs Mount Fuji.



We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Normal people just touch grass, Button prefers to nab rock.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Overdramatic doctor tells her she's going to die if she doesn't take things easy. Climbs Mount Fuji.

My God I love that hag so damn much.


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Bug Eater

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I'm not 100% sure myself. I'm trying to figure that out too. Off the top of my head at least, I can't remember any recent handcam streams that went off the rails or had overly-yabai content. 🤔
It does seem like the handcam streams were an oversight, considering how autistically strict they've been about showing photos on stream recently - might just be that they're bringing the rules in line with the JP branch. Will be a shame if it means no more cooking/crafting streams. (at least not without a lot of concessions, the way it was worded makes it sound like pre-recorded content could still be acceptable)


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Yes, she has updated her classification

Also, Lumi officially here? :unsure:

Lumi started playing Fallout 2. I feel like she could drop the 'non-gamer' from her thumbnails by now, she definitely puts me to shame.

Speaking of Lumi, I have taken the liberty to use her as a very brief case study to show off how dumb the new YT changes are, which makes it completely on-topic, right?
YouTube is not a perfect platform and mishaps happen all the time. More specific to vtubers, things occur on stream that require a little bit of "editing magic". So what happens if, for whatever reason, the archive of a stream gets yeeted and a VOD is uploaded manually by the streamer?
Hmmm, is episode 20 of Star Wars missing? No, it's just conveniently hidden in the completely separate "Videos" tab now.
NOTE: This one might not actually be part of the new changes, but I've only noticed it now. While dumb nonetheless, feel free to correct me.

Let me preface this by saying, that I actually don't mind the idea of upcoming schedule being shown somewhere in the "Live" tab. The execution is just horrendous though. Either the diversity hires are running rampant or I'm just losing my mind here.

It might just be me, but there is something extremely irritating about part 41 coming before part 40.
The problem is that someone, or something, had decided to sort upcoming streams by the date they're scheduled ON, instead of the date they're scheduled FOR. Leading to this atrocity of a screenshot.
Now look how much nicer that looks with actual sorting.
Some people have said that YT is trying to look more and more like TikTok. I don't know if that's true, as I don't use TikTok. I do however use YT and have immediately noticed the weirdly round thumbnails. Feel free to refer to the previous pictures, you won't miss it now that you know about it. It's not just the thumbnails however, the description and community posts have been hit to. It's almost as if someone at YT hates straight things...
Now, ignoring the obvious argument that my screen is rectangular, look how sloppy the actual implementation is.
Is it nitpicky? Admittedly yes. But surely I'm not asking for too much here. If there's no good reason for changing stuff, at least do a proper job.
TL;DR YouTube diversity hires hate straight people and can't program, and I hate change.
Ending it on a normal note. Batman: AA came out in 2009, so how close is it to actually being retro?

Faceless Waifu

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Never heard of Maha5 JP, seems like it's the season to graduate huh
Pretty much, I guess.

Maha5JP (or Maha Panca JP) is kind of interesting, being essentially a JP branch of an Indonesian vtuber corpo, which is like, the inverse of what Hololive and Nijisanji was doing. While some folks might know the ID one through Zen Gunawan (who has collabed with some nijiID and holoID) and the pair Andi Adinita and Alia Adelia (who is one of the early examples of ID vtubers back in the day), the JP branch is a bit less known to vtuber fans as a whole.

I legit only recognized Gaoh Omi from their JP branch, if only because of a clip of her eating Indomie (note:ID translated sub) and her cover of Carol of the Old Ones, a eldritch/cthulhu esque parody of christmas carol song and is a bit popular in JP to have been translated and covered in Japanese.

The fact that the JP branch itself has a bit of noticeable subs disparity between their ID branch, it might be one of the many reasons of those talents graduations. But who knows, really.


Asylum's lurker
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Happy NNN guys, prepare your NUTS
She's also accepting NUTS related submissions via twitter using the attached hashtag, be it jokes, poem, or anything goes!
Bust out your best NUTS everybody!



The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Kson birthday
Messages for Kson
Kamikurai Leto
High ping Monaca performed material girl for her
Projekt Melody performed "it's beginning to feel a lot like Xmas (birthday)
Rob Dee (flesh dude Idk)
Trash Taste Kson wants to be on it again
Kou Rin of maha5jp
Kokorone Hana
And surprisingly Hime Hajime who Kson had dinner with and with she plans to Collab

A whole slew of Vtubers I don't know along with some of the pior mentioned ones in this list made a huge song Collab for Kson
Timestamped to the Song Collab

Shylily cute message for Kson

Should have expected this tbh Jordan and Wolfy ARE friends of Nux after all I'm sure Ren told Nux to not dox him tho imo it's different when it's a graduated talent ala coco and Rushia plus it's also dif to talk about past lives in a video to their face which he never did to Kson

Happy NNN guys, prepare your NUTS

Oh shit I forgot she's 3D now her power is now limitless

Any clue why the thumbnail for the thread is Rushia?
Not that take issue with it I just wonder what it pulls from
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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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