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I bought a streaming ticket for her 15th anniversary live in september last year, since she made the effort to put it on an oversea friendly website. (It wasn't the case for the one in june.)
Your comment about production value is probably about this, but it was just a blurry cam. I understand why, but I'm not sure I would pay again for more of this.
I just want to see more concerts from her as AZKi.
These recent SF6 clips of Korone has been a riot. Great to see her having a blast with people outside of the Holosphere.
Also I'm sick of IDOL covers as much as the next dude but seeing this was a pleasant surprise. It's been almost 2 years since Fuji Aoi released a cover.
It's been about 3 years since I dipped my toes into the abyss rabbit hole and I find myself drawn more towards smaller VTubers. I like following indies and small corpo VTubers. I get the appeal of most bigger VTubers but I can't seem to follow or catch up with them as much as I do with smaller VTubers. So to those who prefer following 1-2view indies and small corpo VTubers, why do you follow them more closely than the big guys and girls in the industry? Is there something appealing in them that makes you want to root for them more than the already well-established ones in the industry? Do the smaller communities around these chuubas make you want to be a part of the cheering squad? Or... Do you want to end up grooming some poor 1-2view indie into becoming your own chatterbox. I'd be interested to hear your opinions and insights.
It reminds me of the days when Lyrica was still an indie. I wasn't interested in joining community servers but for some reason I did and I got involved in her small community server (Which was also shared with Shannon's community. They were sharing the same server). I had lots of fun, even though I was already late to the party. And I tried my best to keep up with the happenings around the community and the antics of Lyrica. It felt nice to be involved in laughing at dumb shit, chaotic conversations, and cheering on the little indies that could.
But when they graduated and moved on to Nijisanji, I only went to their debuts and I rarely caught any of their streams. I'm glad they found greener pastures but the magic was just... gone by then. I also got busier during those times so both of them just went to the back of my head. I do follow their accounts but that's it. I haven't joined any fancords after their debuts. But still, I'm glad they got a chance to finally hit it big. And ultimately, that's what matters. Even though the coziness of being a smaller VTuber and having a small community surrounding them has long since disappeared.
There's a mental transition that occurs most of the time when someone goes from a 1-2view into even a modest corpo that turns more into a character or a performer than really being true to themselves. It's understandable given the nature of a semi-performance entertainment avenue, but for one of the few mediums where there's an avenue of communication with the performer I like to make use of that. With the size of some corpos, you can't really 'talk' with them, you just have to throw statements into the churning sea of grey and hope you get spotted unless you're enough of an attention seeking fag to spend real money to trauma dump. I do live chat in corpo streams now and then, but I only make efforts to watch a small handful of them live, otherwise it's all VODs. I spend 90% of the time just listening anyway aside from the occasional line in chat, so the experience doesn't change that much for me to not be there during the stream. There's definitely times though when I'm watching a VOD and I turn to my media PC to type something as a reaction to the VOD and after a second I have that moment of "Wait I'm retarded this is 4 days old".
With smaller indies, you can actually talk with them due to smaller, slower chats and that makes the chat experience a lot more enjoyable if they're really able to engage with it. Indies also can get away with playing things that corpos have to sit on their hands for. I don't know if anyone in a corp's got go ahead on FFXVI already but you'd be damned sure that everyone else that doesn't have to fellate Japanese IP rights autism is all over that shit right now, same for whenever FF7 Rebirth fires off. Watching the same loop of whatever corpos have access to because of rights wankery can get stale even as someone that unironically likes watching Minecraft buildautism. Through the small communities around some indies I've also met some good folks I've enjoyed roping into some MP shit and hanging out with, meeting up with and doing things with. I can even thank it all for my current relationship, which started as little more than some back-and-forth real-time shitposting in chat. It's also gotten me to step into streaming finally after being on the fence for the better part of a decade, and now all my small indie watches are becoming contemporaries that I can possibly reach out to work with, since right now I'm not terribly interested in growth.
I've noticed that for the last few shorts I've watched, Shiina "loops" her shorts around on eachother. Like, she starts her short with: "My Yugioh Credit Card is the most embarrassing thing I own", and ends with "you might say..." which goes straight back into the start to make a complete sentence. It's actually quite clever.
I've noticed that for the last few shorts I've watched, Shiina "loops" her shorts around on eachother. Like, she starts her short with: "My Yugioh Credit Card is the most embarrassing thing I own", and ends with "you might say..." which goes straight back into the start to make a complete sentence. It's actually quite clever.
Rin does the same thing with her shorts. I imagine it's the meta so kids and idiots watch it two or three times before they realize it loops, pumping up the watch hours and gaming the algo.
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