From Nijisanji, Lain Paterson got her new outfit.
No one else provided pictures so I will.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, best vtuber design that wasn't made by someone named Juniper Actias. Certified

I feel bad that I'll be too busy this month to do some kind of dinosaur related thing for June, since a lot of people have been talking about making this a dinosaur month. As consolation have some prehistoric themed vtuber art:
Slightly off topic but what is this and why is it getting reccommended to me?
It seems to be some guy who made up two characters and has them comment over gameplay in Japanese TTS. The designs of the characters are a bit bland but I like the art style and I really like that they were modded in (or perhaps edited in) to serve as character portraits for the party members of this game, each with a different outfit signifying their class. There are even little edits for when the different player characters take damage or get poisoned. It's in Japanese but subtitles make it easy enough to understand, they are in some dungeon that teleports them around the place when they think they are just moving in a straight line. It seems odd that the only games on the channel so far are one of the Japanese Wizardry games and Splatoon and also that the channel just broke 100 subs but some of the videos get 1k views in less than a week.
Sena and Ken in 10:
Edit 1: New model is horrifying but I believe she will releasing a new outfit on the 21st along with her flamingo friend Kerimara.
Edit 2: Reincarnated dragon Beryl has some kind of announcement in a few hours:
Edit3: I’m sure someone has already said this by now but for anyone who sees this post first, she is graduating on the 26th. Her VODs will be up for at least two months. It’s sad but I can’t say I’m all that surprised, she was focusing on building an English speaking fan base in a purely Japanese company and was stuck as a 2 view despite deserving way more. I’m not too familiar with her past life but I think this is almost exactly what happened to her in her last company. Curiously, she said that she not only wanted to but was required to say that we’ll probably see her again. I wish she was able to keep the model, it fit her voice and personality very well.
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