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She's on Jedi Master, which is basically "normal" difficulty
Grand Master = Hard
Master = Normal
Knight = Easy
Padawan = Story mode/journalist
Oggdo Bogdo is actually a huge meme in the first game and really not that hard if you have any experience with souls games, it's only really Grand Master where he's kind of annoying because a lot of his moves 1-shot as he's right outside the tutorial of the game. Overall he's nothing in Fallen Order compared to the Jedi Survivor version.
EDIT: Also should mention one of the reasons why he became a huge meme as a super difficult boss is because the massive Star Wars fanbase played the game when it came out and they had zero experience with any sort of Souls games, so he was dumpstering them. The Souls players that played Fallen Order repeated the "Oggdo is super hard" as a joke. Respawn found the meme funny so they said, "fuck you, we'll remake the frog boss in Survivor, give him tons of new moves, make him super aggressive, give him a lot more hp, give him completely broken hitboxes, and make him one-shot you even on the lower difficulties." The only other fight that is potentially worse than double Frog in Survivor is double Rancor.
The KoMETA graduations have been a long time coming.
There have been issues for a while but I'll just list out a few from the last month.
- A recent concert/convention had issues with mismanagement and could have gotten Virgil doxxed if she had actually gone in person because they expected her to perform without her vtuber model.
- There might have been possible favoritism during said concert because Elaine was the only one who was informed by management about how to submit her songs.
- GIRA jokingly showed a picture of Virgil's dusty PC to the public when it was meant to be a private message. Embarrassing her and making her distrustful. Well, more distrustful.
- Elaine's graduation was barely explained to Miria or Virgil which made them believe that Elaine needed their help when she suddenly broke the news of her eventual replacement.
- He doubled down on his decision to replace her but then backtracked. A local puff piece PH vtuber site did a confusing interview with him where he alluded to his change of heart stemming from a buisness venture that let him "start from scratch".
- Within a week of the graduation he starts streaming again and deflects questions while he plays Phasmophobia with a familiar voiced woman named "Sarah" and his assistant.
- At the end of the stream, the chat informs him that Miria has tweeted about having a breakdown at work and the stream ends as his assistant attempts to contact her. They never get a reply.
- For some reason he decided it's a good idea to rehash anger from the end of April by retweeting the Concert organizer's attempt to explain the misunderstanding.
There's a lot more stuff the more you dig back. But it also becomes more rraty. Like Virgil not getting a second outfit that she was promised for hitting 15k subs. Or Elaine posting food pictures with utencils/bowls that suspiciously look like the ones in the photos that GIRA showed at his house. There's even some weird love triange stuff with the assistant.
No matter who was in the wrong, it's for the best that the girls all got out. Honestly the company isn't going anywhere as long as GIRA is allowed to head this unprofessional mess. Guy makes Fishman look like Yagoo in comparison.
The KoMETA graduations have been a long time coming.
There have been issues for a while but I'll just list out a few from the last month.
- A recent concert/convention had issues with mismanagement and could have gotten Virgil doxxed if she had actually gone in person because they expected her to perform without her vtuber model.
- There might have been possible favoritism during said concert because Elaine was the only one who was informed by management about how to submit her songs.
- GIRA jokingly showed a picture of Virgil's dusty PC to the public when it was meant to be a private message. Embarrassing her and making her distrustful. Well, more distrustful.
- Elaine's graduation was barely explained to Miria or Virgil which made them believe that Elaine needed their help when she suddenly broke the news of her eventual replacement.
- He doubled down on his decision to replace her but then backtracked. A local puff piece PH vtuber site did a confusing interview with him where he alluded to his change of heart stemming from a buisness venture that let him "start from scratch".
- Within a week of the graduation he starts streaming again and deflects questions while he plays Phasmophobia with a familiar voiced woman named "Sarah" and his assistant.
- At the end of the stream, the chat informs him that Miria has tweeted about having a breakdown at work and the stream ends as his assistant attempts to contact her. They never get a reply.
- For some reason he decided it's a good idea to rehash anger from the end of April by retweeting the Concert organizer's attempt to explain the misunderstanding.
There's a lot more stuff the more you dig back. But it also becomes more rraty. Like Virgil not getting a second outfit that she was promised for hitting 15k subs. Or Elaine posting food pictures with utencils/bowls that suspiciously look like the ones in the photos that GIRA showed at his house. There's even some weird love triange stuff with the assistant.
No matter who was in the wrong, it's for the best that the girls all got out. Honestly the company isn't going anywhere as long as GIRA is allowed to head this unprofessional mess. Guy makes Fishman look like Yagoo in comparison.
fishman is actually such a fucking nerd that he might've just hired these bitches to play league, according to lumi there's already 8 people who play league in phase
fishman is actually such a fucking nerd that he might've just hired these bitches to play league, according to lumi there's already 8 people who play league in phase
And the saddest part of this all is that in Clown World it has turned out to be an objectively superior business strategy than nearly every other small company besides the one with Jew Gold backing it.
And the saddest part of this all is that in Clown World it has turned out to be an objectively superior business strategy than nearly every other small company besides the one with Jew Gold backing it.
And the saddest part of this all is that in Clown World it has turned out to be an objectively superior business strategy than nearly every other small company besides the one with Jew Gold backing it.
Have you guys been struggling to download stuff from Ragtag Archive? I've been going to the site for the last couple days and I get errors saying that "the download quota for this file has been exceeded"
fishman is actually such a fucking nerd that he might've just hired these bitches to play league, according to lumi there's already 8 people who play league in phase
And the saddest part of this all is that in Clown World it has turned out to be an objectively superior business strategy than nearly every other small company besides the one with Jew Gold backing it.
Sometimes the stars align enough to turn someone's retardation into gold, his blueprint was to be like holo but once he saw what he hired and came to terms with his eye for sad women, he decided to roll with it and aside from the coffee merch the man seems to be a competent businessman. I am insanely curious about phase internal numbers though, I doubt they're in the green at all but by the looks of it they must be doing great within their projections that there's talks of gen4 even before 3 is out. I hope to god he doesn't fuck it up.
Sometimes the stars align enough to turn someone's retardation into gold, his blueprint was to be like holo but once he saw what he hired and came to terms with his eye for sad women, he decided to roll with it and aside from the coffee merch the man seems to be a competent businessman. I am insanely curious about phase internal numbers though, I doubt they're in the green at all but by the looks of it they must be doing great within their projections that there's talks of gen4 even before 3 is out. I hope to god he doesn't fuck it up.
That was before the posts detailing, to put it generously, Aviel going to the razor's edge between hyping up his company and defrauding Israeli government tech grants and investors with talk of his corpo being some kind of do-all tech/vr company.
But now he seems to be making money and only broke losers who don't get returns are ever hit with fraud crimes.
Speaking of small corpos in general, I don't understand how so many drive themselves to insolvency so quickly in many cases.
The idea should have extremely low operating costs if there is only a handful of talent. These kinds of companies should be able to run for a very long time even if they don't have a lot of growth.
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