"Listen, lady. I've been gooning all night watching you eat a margherita pizza, from opening to closing time. This is not the time for you to start feeling embarrassed"Randon Neuring
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About Outlast Trials, Tempus is supposed to play it in like 2 days and there is nothing about it being changed yet so it remains to be seen if it is completely banned in the EN side.
That thumbnail doesn't look like it's IDOL, I think it's more likely she's covering the ending song "Mephisto"
EDIT: Now that I've looked at both together, maybe she really is covering IDOL. the pics don't really match... anyways, both are good so It's fine either way.
Not really considering Moon Jelly retweets stuff from the vtuber account but compared to the other two it doesn't really get mentioned. Some people speculate there is a degree of separation involved in case things go south and her main account doesn't get nuked by fishman.
It's not like Dizzy when everyone knows who she was before, and Slugma being shown in her debut stream.
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