" - le retard de Vox Akuma -"Nijisanji notice about Vox being late in French

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I really found myself enjoying the main Vspo branch in the last couple months, i could spend the rest of my life listening to Hinano's laugh tbh. Since you do watch the En branch a lot, any of the en girls have the same kind of vibes as Hinano and Uruha that you could recommend?
Can't think of any with similar vibes, maybe Melon? Extrovert compared to the other en girls and cool type, toxic gamer and she is very good at zatsus.

My dream is that they debut a girl with a amusing ugly laugh in vspoen.
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Female proctor should join Vspo then.
After watching that funny confession stream made by Serina Maiko, I've decided to watch and give her a sub. Out of all amount of endless shilling of her in this website, I never thought that archived vod made me a fan of her. You guys succeeded at converting me to be part of her SARMY.
Since this is not particularly relevant to the Pippathread I'm going to necro this dead chain of conversation from weeks ago here:
Half-Life 2 was a disappointment, failing to live up to its expectations. It also fundamentally misunderstood key aspects of the first game; and its faults, incorrectly ascribed to Half-Life 1, were replicated throughout not only the FPS genre, but the entire video game landscape.
I uh-gree.
I think the biggest issue is that it took the story into the "epic" direction instead of staying with the more mysterious closed setting of the first and by expanding the world the way that it did really took away from what the original one built.
Most games would follow Half-Life 2's example in this regard. It lacked much of the environmental storytelling the first game had; Demon's Souls would rekindle this to great effect.
I am curious as to what you both think about what this guy says in this video:

translation: write essays about videogames for my amusement pls.
There's a 1260 character limit in profile posts, apparently. What's the character limit in posts in a normal thread? May put it in the general gaming thread.
im permabanned poster rushiastomper58. i first started reading the general thread when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of "irony" and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like "fucking monkey" and "i love shitting inside Mikenekos asshole" in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing things in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on antipsychotics. i always wondered what the kind of "ironic" style of vtuber humor was all about; i think it's the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who "get" vtubers to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.
Bruh what did she say, your archive borked!
The Peanut Gallery
The Peanut Gallery
Still works for me, but she wrote
I don't think I should have to say this but please don't DM me explicit pornagraphic imagery. I feel genuinely violated and nauseous (I'm not sure why it wasn't automatically censored but I blocked/reported it).It's a really terrible thing to do. Please respect my boundaries 😥
Interesting. It's completely blank for me.
The issue is that the archived Tweet URL isn't clean, which can cause problems. It does work fine on desktop, though.

Quoting my Ghostarchive archiving guide:
Remove the tracking parts and other unnecessary stuff in a URL when archiving. This example has the Tweet not show up unless you click "Archived page not showing up?" in the left menu, which is a limb mode with reduced functionality. Such as saving less of a Tweet thread. A proper example is something like this.
(I recently found out that the working example also doesn't function on mobile.)
Quit donobegging Jimbo-lite.
The Proctor
The Proctor
Trap Supremacy
Trap Supremacy
stupid hibernian
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