"Suicide Pact: Made the Capippalists promise that they won't off themselves unless she dies first. This contributed to the meme of her as a Messianic Archetype or a cult leader."tvtropes.org
BTW, if anyone's like me was interested in playing Buckshot Roulette with friends after Pippa's stream, there's a pretty good mod for emulating it in Tabletop Simulator on Steam Workshop. Visuals are authentic, gameplay is semi-automatic, and even supports up to 4 players (though idk how that would work with BR's original ruleset).
(I initially wanted to make something like that back when Tenma streamed BR, but I have no idea how to rip assets from games, so mine was just a shitty mock up using an infinite bag mod and the card deck from another BR TTS mod lol)
you may not like it, but this is what the ideal woman looks like
it just doesn't suit Pippa, not only is she our step-sister, but she is malnourished and would shoot first at anything that moves, no matter how often she claims she wants to trap Colress in her basement
Other than some of the shitpost level Russian roulette games on steam nothing else really comes to mind save for inscription given thats what inspired it, but idk if a rougelike deckbuilder would be her speed.
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