She's from Jamaica. She seems very sweet, and very smart. She knows a lot about vtubers, much more than many vtubers do. Pippa likes her and wants to support her, wants her to do her best. I missed the first 15 minutes of the stream but the impression I got was that she was feeling very down until this - she mentioned that she was seriously considering deleting all her stuff today. I think she has a soothing voice, like her manner of speaking (though that could just be because it's late and she's tired).
She said that because Pippa told her to keep going, that she would. Honestly, I really hope she does continue for the selfish reason that I like her personality. I came away from that stream inspired to work harder.
She said that because Pippa told her to keep going, that she would. Honestly, I really hope she does continue for the selfish reason that I like her personality. I came away from that stream inspired to work harder.

Gingly Hurse
Ello. I'm just a Nurse Shark Vtuber that is curious about everything around her. I would talk about things I found that cool or interesting. Sometimes like to sing acoustic songs and play rhythm games.