Over the last few years there have been a multitude of vtubers that have managed to facedox themselves, their colleagues, expose their alter ego or just reveal sensitive and/or embarrassing information about themselves in general. The majority of these blunders or "yabs" are usually the result of bad Opsec - Operational Security, and not taking necessary precautions. Notably the Rushia X Mafumafu shitstorm could have easily been avoided with but a bit of Opsec .
This thread is for sharing advice and discussing best practices for maintaining your online privacy and preventing yabs on stream.
I believe non vtuber or streamer related online privacy and security advice should also be discussed here as these topics do overlap.
Lets go through a hypothetical example to illustrate the importance of opsec:
How small blunders can reveal your full doxx ( your name, face and address)
"Oh nyo, I accidently showed my email address on stream! Big deal, what is the worst that could happen?"
Well someone might just take your email address and punch it in here https://haveibeenpwned.com/ .
Now my dear reader did you use a real alter ego email? You didn't use that email to register for any other websites like Twitter, Facebook, Linked in or any games right?
Because these sites might have gotten breached and some info from these site might be out in the public (such as: Browser user agent details, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Purchases, Usernames, Website activity)
Maybe you were/ are unlucky and you have indeed been pwned ( I suggest you test it out right now, and if you are maybe change up passwords or something lol)
Step two would be to look into actual leaked databases such as https://snusbase.com/ the site may track you, someone recommends using crypto to avoid this(?)
Did you use a different password and/or username for every account on every website you frequent? If no - you are basically fucked, because someone autistic will try to use the leaked password on every known account you own and every account you may own or has a similar name as your username on every damn website imaginable.
And suddenly your linked in, your face, address and name ends up in a thread on kiwifarms. And the worst part is that the person who doxxed you might not even by a hater or malicious actor, he might just as well be an obsessed fan or more likely someone who is just bored and who did it cause he could.
Does this sound alarmist? But that is what has happened to some vtubers discussed in the general thread.
Useful resources
This guide is a good starting point for any vtuber with no idea what opsec is:
This is list of excellent privacy tools :
An excellent privacy guide:
This thread is for sharing advice and discussing best practices for maintaining your online privacy and preventing yabs on stream.
I believe non vtuber or streamer related online privacy and security advice should also be discussed here as these topics do overlap.
Lets go through a hypothetical example to illustrate the importance of opsec:
How small blunders can reveal your full doxx ( your name, face and address)
"Oh nyo, I accidently showed my email address on stream! Big deal, what is the worst that could happen?"
Well someone might just take your email address and punch it in here https://haveibeenpwned.com/ .
Now my dear reader did you use a real alter ego email? You didn't use that email to register for any other websites like Twitter, Facebook, Linked in or any games right?
Because these sites might have gotten breached and some info from these site might be out in the public (such as: Browser user agent details, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Purchases, Usernames, Website activity)
Maybe you were/ are unlucky and you have indeed been pwned ( I suggest you test it out right now, and if you are maybe change up passwords or something lol)
Step two would be to look into actual leaked databases such as https://snusbase.com/ the site may track you, someone recommends using crypto to avoid this(?)
Did you use a different password and/or username for every account on every website you frequent? If no - you are basically fucked, because someone autistic will try to use the leaked password on every known account you own and every account you may own or has a similar name as your username on every damn website imaginable.
And suddenly your linked in, your face, address and name ends up in a thread on kiwifarms. And the worst part is that the person who doxxed you might not even by a hater or malicious actor, he might just as well be an obsessed fan or more likely someone who is just bored and who did it cause he could.
Does this sound alarmist? But that is what has happened to some vtubers discussed in the general thread.
Useful resources
This guide is a good starting point for any vtuber with no idea what opsec is:
This is list of excellent privacy tools :
Best Privacy Tools & Software Guide in in 2025
The most reliable website for privacy tools since 2015. Software, services, apps and privacy guides to fight surveillance with encryption for better internet privacy.

Established in 2021, Privacy Guides is the most popular & trustworthy non-profit resource to find privacy tools and learn about protecting your digital life.

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