No matter how much time has past and how many times I've seen it, the ending still gets to me.
I've watched Pekora go through it twice, and I have to watch Subaru do it too.
EDIT: Yep, definitely got to her too. Could hear the sniffles as she was talking about it after it ended. Since my Japanese understanding is basically zero and Googles auto translate isn't great, understanding what she was saying was pretty jumbled, but given the context, I understood the gist of what she was saying.
Sums up pretty well my reaction to the ending too, especially when I first saw it:
I'm sure she did, but hopefully she enjoyed it. Was nice to see her deciding to play the series. Definitely a great one.
To an ungrateful world I once again present the weekly chinchilla update
Natsumi's favorite English word
Korean class
Friday is either subnautica or buckshot roulette depending on whether or not it has released by stream start.
Watch the chinchilla
Edit and this is the live posting thread damnit
its interesting to see the games because you can tell she came up with them in theory and did tech-testing beforehand but not playtesting because the girls arent available until the collab starts
So in real time we see if it actually works out or not
That's seems to be one of the limitations of VR chat and third person. There doesn't seem to be a way to have the whole lobby be heard in a way that isn't proximity.
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