I mean, if the rrats are true, the Russian nobility didn't have a great time during the revolution and the USSR. So your opinion on a political system that actively tried to kill you may be kinda biased.When Lumi was a child, she told her father she thinks communism could work in theory. Her father proceeded to call her stupid and saying he can't believe he raised her. Reminder her dad and mom lived under communism.
Also reminder, to be fair to Lumi, she doesn't believe this anymore and is pretty anti-communism. Also, she decided to play Fallout: NV.
He's right about communism not working regardless of whether he's nobility or not.I mean, if the rrats are true, the Russian nobility didn't have a great time during the revolution and the USSR. So your opinion on a political system that actively tried to kill you may be kinda biased.
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