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all because Hexa made fun of Epstein in an incredibly clear, not-at-all subtle matter short of plastering "Epstein is a bad hombre" in bold text at the top of the stream
Yessica Balderas ist bei Facebook. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Yessica Balderas und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. Facebook gibt Menschen die Möglichkeit, Inhalte zu teilen und die...
Uruka is revealing Erina (real) taught her how to circumvent chatbot AI filters last night in Discord voice with Lia or someone else for two hours. In silence.
As they did stuff with AI bots of other Phase girls/the girls in the call.
"I am- I am a proud bearcel. Which means I am a bear that is voluntarily celibate because men are gross. And- and also I am not gay. And sex is just disgusting. So why would you ever do it?"
-Fujikura Uruka
Also she revealed her existentual crisis upon seeing her genitala in the mirror while peeing during the vacation.
So.. Uruka Stuff. "I was just seeing how far it would go."
-Fujikura Uruka
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