Same as mine, there is a say that the government approved of them because is more easy to bribe 4 people that to convince 100 of a changeIdk about the US but in my country unions are basically just lazy fucks who throw their weight around, get money from the government and then the money disappears into the void aka the pockets of the insanely corrupt leaders. They basically replaced the money-hungry employers with their own money-hungry overlords that don't even do anything.
What does it mean, pako? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?

but really, talents streaming during a time out is not uncommon, Kson did it in a god forsaken streaming service when she was hit with the T incident, she still graduated but at least she lasted like a few weeks
Edit: Towa has announced a new album and has included my man Hanzoin "el cuervo de sinaloa" hakka as a guest, apparently she took a liking to him after the APEX collab and his cover of Roar