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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    This drama has broken containment. For tourists who know nothing and have no interest in vtubers their main takeaway will be "JP Corpos bad"
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    If you go from a 3view to a 2view then they're right. It truly is negligible
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    The original writer of the gurrat rentry decided to be a fag and deleted it replacing it with a big fat sorry A Here's a mirror of the gurrat rentry A THE GURRAT CANNOT BE STOPPED :cursedbae:
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    @Hwoarang My guy, Lyrica will not fuck you
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Do we need a 5th thread for unhinged niji rrats :cursedbae:
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    She didn't write this by herself she wrote this with help from her lawyers. I agree with @MerelyTourist the scheduling is 100% calculated
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    So she picked up the habit of using "oki" / "okie" but because the member's post is serious she didn't this time and just used "ok". Still though this is fucking hilarious I NEED MORE LET THEM BREED :cursedbae::cursedbae::cursedbae::cursedbae:
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Remember to thank for Elon Musk for letting people pay for unlimited Tweets. This feature is putting Google Docs out of a job.
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    "I hoped by posting from here it would clear any suspicion of anyone else interfering with my words." I don't know much about Fulgur but I think this is just him trying to help in his own retarded way. His logic was if he announced everything in his PL no one could say his tweets were written...
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    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Nah his pinned comment says he's taking a short break but by the time he gets back there might be enough content for a part 3
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Karen fat and Froot whore are justified so it's different :smugselen:
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Looking forward to see how many pages get deleted :whatastory: Watame's MV just finished premiering
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    https://thevirtualasylum.com/threads/live-kirscheposting.69/post-243618 Here's the context. Now go read it before the post magically disappears.
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I haven't watched the clips so I dunno if you're right. All I know is this message hidden behind members does not seem like roleplay.
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    She must've used the Switch's built in Post Screenshot to Twitter feature. I'm surprised that still works after Elon. That feature might be one of the few places that still has the bird icon instead of the X
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    Vidya Games Thread

    I was just looking at random screenshots and apparently the game even has Mr. Crush himself. They really do have everything :crushface:
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    There's Oshi Push and the Asylum Card Game. And now there's going to be a third one? The cards better be cross-compatible between all three.
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    No one's posted it so I'll do it. Vox's whatever the fuck has started premiering. Turns out it's just a comic dub. Now gimmie migos.
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    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Now that he's tweeted about how awful Vtuber discords are for mass banning him, how long before he tweets how great the chink discord servers are? Heck, watch him slide into this Dull retard's DMs and preach about the greatness of China
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I have no words. :NOWWELAUGH:
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