"On April 11th 2023, Rin desecrated Wikipedia by writing her own article full of mistruths, misrepresentations and general lies. The page is still up."Rin Penrose

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  1. 駄女神

    The Termination of Zaion LanZa

    You're saying this after #MeToo?
  2. 駄女神

    The Great Hogwarts: Legacy Dilation Event

    "Sugeee, wan pan daaaaa!" fucking lol
  3. 駄女神

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    The passive listening stuff from AJATT never really worked out for me. Mind you, I'm not a beginner. I've been at this for 4 years years now. I know what my problem is and what I'm doing wrong. It's just that I'm about 10 years out of my anime phase and it's hard to find something to replace it...
  4. 駄女神

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    Not when you have programs like anki.
  5. 駄女神

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I do, but streamers are exceptionally boring to watch when you don't understand what they're saying unless something particularly interesting is happening on screen.
  6. 駄女神

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I'm at that annoying point where I can read pretty much anything I come across but still can't understand spoken Japanese. Should've watched more anime.
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