"Ahh the coke air, coke air. You know the coke air? The nooo one. I always, I always order the, the cola. Coca cola and without cola. I always order the cola and without cola. Cola! I like cola, yeah. I always, I always order the, the carbionated cola. Ahh how can I explain? I can explain by my drawing! I always order like the carbionated cola that it has cola on here, this part, the ear. Ear of bottle. And then, I order- wh- when I order cola, the ear- it always have a cola on h- on a top, but I pick up these... away! cause I don't drink it. And then I smell the cola air. Okay? You understand? Understandable! Cola air! yes"Kumagai "Beatani" Chisato

Search results

  1. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Nerves got to her 100%, you could hear it in her voice the moment she had to leave her team's voice call. See Karubi, who was psyched up and won her set. Mental fortitude is huge in fighting games and unfortunately the doog doesn't do well under pressure. Still proud of her, she's come a long...
  2. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Agreed, Aussie woman good. Nice to find a knowledgeable, nuanced view on anything music-related in the sphere when most of it is clout chasing on either end of the positivity spectrum from people I wouldn't trust to sell me an album at the store. Plus her neuron activation when Suisei first...
  3. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I swear to God the CEO of sex better not get pushed back down the mountain by Menhera Prime right as she seems to be hitting her stride.
  4. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Clock woman's self-destruct arc has been pretty good.
  5. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Being generally unfamiliar with Niji outside of the well-known chuubas, has anything happened previously that would warrant this level of opsec? The thought of staff-coordinated tardwrangling is pretty funny but it seems like something that would be implemented after someone made a big fuckup.
  6. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    The way Korone draws hands will always make me smile. I'd kill for a collab with Nene where they just draw soulful doodles.
  7. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Always mute anything you're interested in consuming on whatever platform you're using, the algorithm and people farming engagement will fuck you over without fail. That said, I don't think there are any text or image spoilers you can get hit with that will totally ruin the show.
  8. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Just recently watched his FTL hard mode highlights and chuckled when he said he was done with streaming the game at the end of it. Wonder if his editor included it on purpose.
  9. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Seems like it wouldn't be a problem if it was a group thing like the Smols and the CouncilRyS models? If all branches were held to some fairness standard for outfits then we wouldn't be poking fun at IRyS. Could just be autistic nippon culture at play as usual. Also to any members of the...
  10. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    You can find all sorts of awful vodka flavors bottled up for sale, but I think the target demographic is nascent wine aunts who want to get plastered in a non-club setting and the homebrew variety is locked to a few westoid countries in terms of popularity. SMOK tax:
  11. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Ending with the shrieks of the damned, nice. Guess Iofi is my new go-to streamer.
  12. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I was in such pain that I accidentally posted in the unicorn thread, but christ I'm at work and my ears are bleeding.
  13. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    comet -Midnight Jazz Arrange- (Much like Pieces only a live version exists but it's Suisei so it's still better than most studio recordings) End of a Life from everyone's favorite pink woman Unison by Marine My Song by Watame And this one that I'll actually bother to embed for reasons totally...
  14. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    This art is way too quality for Amogus, goddamn. Not at all displeased with the picks as a GAMERSchad, but they do seem eclectic. Dev choice, maybe. Hope this timeline isn't so blighted that we don't wind up with the first reasonably sized collab with Risu, Okayu, and Korone in it. This embed...
  15. Lurker No. 9

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Lurked enough to know its been said a million times, but Cover really hit gold by getting the first corpo virtual dadtuber in the west and this stream cemented it for me. Blows my mind that back in his indie days he thought he had nothing to offer and now he's the monetary powerhouse of Tempus.
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