"Thanks for giving me the chicken last night brotha!"Enna Alouette

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  1. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    i have been there and to other parts of new york and while the city does have some neat stuff. it is absolutely terrible and not worth living in. now rural new york on the other hand is very nice and has all sorts of beautiful sights and places to live.
  2. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    pippa please you have no idea how awful new york city is.
  3. PipkinPipparoni

    EvilToaster's Escapades - Sexpest vtuber Ambassador with a 57-page Google Doc

    this does not surprise me in the slightest. he was annoying when he was on zentreyas streams and always came off like he was trying too hard. i will never forget the day he was in a huge collab with zentreya and i think it was geega and haruka and someone else maybe heavenly father. but they...
  4. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    i hope she gets that far just for her reaction. i mean kirsche already does hand review streams. next time she can just invite pippa.
  5. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    if they think thats what sex sounds like then every single ASMR streamer both v and fleshtuber is having sex every single stream they do. also there is something really funny to me about things like this where one person is trying to own another person or a group of people by claiming the...
  6. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    yes she is everywhere do not believe the heretics let the pipkin guide you to her.
  7. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    i like how null has essentially said anything they find about pippa is most likely fake or useless because if it held any worth then obviously phase would have used their massive corpo powers to purge it entirely.
  8. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    so before she used her real voice she was using TTS or doing an impression or something but she sounded exactly like raven from teen titans. it fit her character way better. her real voice sounds way too much like haruka karibou if she was a lot lizard and its very off putting. i am not usually...
  9. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    only if she shows her feet again.
  10. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    i could be wrong but my gusss is because that is what has gotten her the most views and money. being a vtuber involves having a personality or a character that draws in people. being a whore is as simple as standing there and occasionally moaning into the mic. but who knows we all might be...
  11. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    the pippa thread started because of the thread about the kiki and gator situation i forget how but it went from everyone laughing at gator and digging up things about kiki to a slap fight about anime and then a demand for a pippa thread. i wanna say it was because gator commented on something...
  12. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    it has been very interesting watching them discover ancient things and act like they are these huge new discoveries you can tell they are desperate to find anything to justify the effort even if it is an out of context clip or a random person who uploads pippa clips. it is especially weird to...
  13. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    all she has to do is put on the pipprogramer socks and the knowledge will absorb into her brain like magic.
  14. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    that thread is turning into the exact thing i figured it would. a gathering place for a-logs and people with anime derangement syndrome. it has had some funny moments though. i never realized how hard it is for some people to figure out anything related to vtubers.
  15. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    this is how you filter the weak. it had to be done especially with all the attention pippa has now.
  16. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    not just that but pippa is a genuinely good person and has no interest in being a burden to anybody. anyone who watches her streams knows she cares about phase connect and all the friends she has made because of them. so even if she could get away with it she would never do something that would...
  17. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    i can already tell that thread is doomed. i can only imagine how bad it will get if null decides it should be featured. i do see some people trying to clarify things but they are still determined to run with the stuff the sharty got about her dating a troon. either way i look forward to the...
  18. PipkinPipparoni

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    defending your oshi is fine. you just have to know which battle is worth fighting. it is also possible he is secretly the yabbits alt account now what a twist that would be.
  19. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    that would just summon pip-chan. they are like magi-chan but they have pippas ears and everything they touch rots instantly.
  20. PipkinPipparoni

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    from the looks of things it seems to have came from the sharty. but i have a feeling chase is involved as well.
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