"-'Cease this degeneracy'- I cannot"Kirschey

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  1. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    >2017 grad
  2. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    pippa pls
  3. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Pipposum has gone AWOL :pippasadl:
  4. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Is this her longest pedophile tangent on record?
  5. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    she's so retarded bros
  6. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    5 minutes of gameplay 30 minutes of rambling good stream
  7. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

  8. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    pippa's going through menopause
  9. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    welp streams over
  10. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    hearing pippa wax expertly on all the name brand foods I have never heard of reminds me that she is in fact a white woman
  11. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    on the bright side when San Diego PD release photos for a missing woman we'll get final confirmation of what Pippa looks like
  12. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    pippa wants to be beat
  13. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    "Okay shane dawson" le hearty chuckle
  14. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    There is a fundamental misunderstanding at play here. Pippa's livelihood depends on her being entertaining to her niche audience. Wishing her to become boring as some faggy virtue-signal only serves to stroke one's own ego. Her entire life has been spent building up the personality she has that...
  15. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Algo blessed me with a core Pippa memory.
  16. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Of course the Yamanbafaggot who makes every stream his own personal jerkfest is incablabe of understanding the larger ecosystem that he inhabits that has lead to the very existence of his proclaimed oshi. This femboy should genuinely anhero if he doesn't understand without Jim there would be no...
  17. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    allow me to introduce myself
  18. Pippenis Inspector

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    >implicit bias training love how this is just thrown out there like its normal
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