"I did't know it was so fun to hurt people; You have no idea... you have no idea how much pent up rage I have"Fujikura Uruka

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  1. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    All of your vtubers are in a relationship fellas. You've all been played. Embrace the truth and it shall set you free. Except Kaela because holy shit, I don't know what kind of man would want her bad enough to put up with the autism.
  2. agility_

    Vidya Games Thread

    I used to believe sony was strapped for cash but seeing them blow 200 million on a failed overwatch clone like it's petty cash, maybe they're doing alright. I used to think "nah it's just microsoft that has that infinite money thing that they can afford to not make a profit for 3 generations of...
  3. agility_

    MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit

    I like having men like mafumafu around. Because holy hell, do I feel like Simo Häyhä or freaking Dusko Popov standing next to these wretches.
  4. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    We know of her roommate? Whoa, I'm behind on my reps all of a sudden.
  5. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Week #8901 of "N..no, Suisei isn't a flip... it' can't be... y-you are wrong!"
  6. agility_

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I'm bummed out. I don't even want to make the customary DSP outlives someone else post.
  7. agility_

    Vidya Games Thread

    At least SEGA had the foresight to kill Hyenas way early into production. This Concord debacle reminds me of when CliffyB thought he was "gonna make another billion dollar IP" by releasing Lawbreakers during the heyday of overwatch spam.
  8. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This exemplar of wisdom does have a valid point though. The list of vtubers who aren't loud and obnoxious is a relatively compact one. I should know, I mostly only watch those.
  9. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The irony of japanese photography engineers (canon, minolta, nikon etc) having advanced and perfected analog and digital photography to astronomical levels, only to have regular japanese people drench themselves in shitty filters for muh beauty standards, is not at all lost in me.
  10. agility_

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Having known real life women with square or chiseled jaws from before the vermintide came, I've learned not to worry too much about looks. Trännies will let you know what they are, whether you asked them or not. Yeah that sounds fun.
  11. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Liar, Chloe Sakamata doesn't have a dedicated thread. Maybe I should start one.
  12. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Granted, Blackpool is lovely at this time of the year.
  13. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Was it mentioned why Flipsie was banned from a discord? If so, lol.
  14. agility_

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I really don't care much about the poo that pajeets deposit on a daily basis. I am concerned with the coded poo they write for web, apps, frontends, binaries, etc. I wish they'd never discovered coding as a whole.
  15. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Did the reply get community noted? We have screenshots of Froot "committing" to donate money to mermaids UK. Anyway childhood autism from the Incan vtuber
  16. agility_

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It could also be that merryweather is a duplicitous piece of fecal waste. Just putting that out there.
  17. agility_

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I know you're a gimmick but still. 1) SLA printer and not the shitty filament ones 2) wash station 2.1) curing station which isn't mandatory but makes a big difference 3) fume extractor if room ventilation is not enough 4) resin supplies 5) isopropyl alcohol 6) nitrile glove supplies 7)...
  18. agility_

    The "Not- " thread

    Crossposting from her graduation thread, pertinent info regarding the artist formerly known as Minato Aqua
  19. agility_

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    3D printing at the moment is still in the money-sink phase. Not worth it unless you have some mitigation side business idea going on.
  20. agility_

    Vidya Games Thread

    A warning about Trails of Cold Steel, if you thought Trails in the Sky was the bees knees there's no guarantee you will enjoy CS just as much. Happened to me anyway.
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