"We said simple English NOT AUSTRALIAN"Kureiji Ollie

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  1. Speech To Text


    I'm not 100% on his rise to fame, but he use to make WoW guides for farming gold, soloing content, and some random videos like 13 years ago. His stream got big during Warlords of Draenor with him basically having the same persona hes been known for (pre-react content). He also did a lot of...
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    Extremely easy MMO that can be played while doing other stuff and can run on anything. Like most MMOs, the game is about questing and grinding drops/exp. Its also a game where you can have very long term goals since leveling to max can take a year or two if you aren't min maxing.
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    Its basically people having imaginary friends they pretend to fuck and have relationships with. It was popular on /x/ and Tumblr.
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The couple times I've watched her streams they have been entertaining. Definitely one of the better Twitch vtubers I've seen.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Is this because of low viewership or one of the many health issues he has?
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Its not unpopular with Koreans, but Korean vtubers don't seem to get a lot of viewers overall. If you look at the Lost Ark section on Twitch theres a ton of Korean vtubers between 70-200 views. Same with Maplestory and other KMMOs just with lower view counts. My guess at the lack of Korean...
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    I highly doubt someone who puts no effort into hygiene is attractive unless you are into trailer trash.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    While I do think being into any of that stuff is disgusting and people into it deserve to be looked at like weirdos, it'd be hard to find a weeb woman who wasn't into it 10+ years ago. Its also literally drama from 10 years ago. This has been brought up so many times when Omocat has gotten...
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Theres basically no way to discover people that aren't currently streaming on Twitch. The only way to find offline channels are to either know who they are and search for them or click their name in another streamers chat and go to their channel. Streamers can do vod reruns when they are...
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    You don't get ads on channels you are subbed to. Streamers should be able to avoid ads being played to raiders in their settings, but you should eventually see ads on a channel you aren't subscribed to. It could also be ad laws in your country/region making ads less common.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I like Twitch more than Youtube for streams, but the main issues I have with Twitch are no rewind feature and the constant attempts to kill adblockers to push Turbo. The main adblockers do usually get updated within 48 hours and you can just VPN to a country that doesn't have ads, but if you...
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    As insane as it is, thats not uncommon.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Why is she a massive cunt? Did she do something worth being upset about years later?
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    You might as well drop whatever you have. Theres really no point in teasing stuff then backing out after you already shared who it was.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    That makes it sound like you either know them irl or were close enough to them to get that info. Why do you want to release this info? Most people here will be pro or neutral about releasing real names, but that doesn't mean they won't look into you.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I'd say in general they aren't. Most people probably aren't watching vtubers to laugh and I'd say most vtubers won't make funny jokes because theres no need to. For the Bae example, why put effort into thinking up something funny when you can just act surprised at lewd things and your chat will...
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    Unless he moved recently he should still be in the UK.
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    Yuri and Phase Connect seperation thread

    I'm sure its a long running joke in her community, but it reminds me of one of the big Destiny 2 streamers Diffizzle with his chair.
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    The most worrying thing about this is the thought of her not using a walkthrough.
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    I should have been more specific there. I meant it more as she doesn't care about the concern posting or advice as seen by her lack of attempting to fix her Asmongold lifestyle. She definitely uses chat to validate whatever shes doing or thinks, but thats basically what every shut-in turned...
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