"This better not awaken a new fetish in me. But at least I'm not into feet"Noir Vesper

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  1. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Best 2 of 3, and we’ll see some bloodshed Don’t ask how it would work, just play it by ear
  2. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    Eimi Isami, don't look ("The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy" was announced from the Danganronpa team, which looks to be an SRPG in the style of Danganronpa)
  3. John Vtuber👁️

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    he's spent a year hanging onto it while Pippa and Kirsche remained silent, and with recent events (him implying Kirsche was the one that got Legal Mindset to block/ban him), something's gotta give.
  4. John Vtuber👁️

    Pipprojects 2024

    since my post was deleted/not saved in the server transfer, I'll copy-paste it below, very easy to transfer into measured steps, or keep it as the free-form ramble it is for maximum SOVL. I don't have any creative names other than "Potato-and-Herb Baked Chicken". Schizo Fried Chicken? Hina's...
  5. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    I wouldn't expect anything less from them, really! since we're now on the new server, and I couldn't reply to the previous post about it, if SFO makes a video about this just start stoning him on the spot.
  6. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    all I'm saying is, having chuubas commentate sporting/wrestling/boxing events will spike interest like nothing else and the first organization that signs Chammers as a commentator will practically print money
  7. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Dizzy Dokuro reminds everyone that today is Father's Day (he is not picking up the phone): Archive
  8. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I wish Texas was more like that, tbh let the Wild-Westaboos rise
  9. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it really is like we're in 2020 all over again I fear whatever the catch is that lead to this
  10. John Vtuber👁️


    this show wishes it could be Fishtank
  11. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Horrifying - Lemon Woman asks a question, instantly regrets it: Archive
  12. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    inability to go to the bathroom due to neglect -> build-up on the dog's body -> buildup begins rotting -> fleas attracted to the rot inability to eat because rot and fleas bring illness -> even if he does eat, there's more neglect afterward -> "fear" of eating or at least, that's my armchair...
  13. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Yeah, she's not at fault here, nor is anyone who interacted with Kiki without knowing, so absolutely no pressure at all for Hexa or anyone else. The only ones that have to answer for anything are Kiki, and those going out of their way to defend her.
  14. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    my retardation and confusion aside, do what you can to get some rest, and step away from the keyboard until you are in a better mental state - same with the rest of your friends, group, etc. it's been a long 48 hours for everyone, I'm sure.
  15. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    please dig up, nag, holy shit
  16. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    there is still time to dig up, I am begging you
  17. John Vtuber👁️

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    Pippa ends just as Kino Casino begins. Coincidence? ABSOLUTELY NOT! (possibly)
  18. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    It is still not too late for anyone to dig up, but with every passing moment, that opportunity shortens!
  19. John Vtuber👁️

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    it's the easiest dub in the world, effortless, even: "don't write essays downplaying the actions, or otherwise defend them"
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