"Oh my god is that fucking... is that fucking... ah is that fucking Austin Powers!!? (while watching Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters)"Yuko Yurei

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  1. Drosselmeyer


    That's just infantilizing Pippa and attempting to force training wheels on her content. It's like saying you shouldn't ever get in a car and travel anywhere, because all it takes is one drunk driver to result in a game over. Her older collabs with males were great. Even if Mao and the Blizzard...
  2. Drosselmeyer


    Even a good chunk of Rekieta's audience can't stand Camelot. The last time I tuned into a Rackets stream, which was about 2 weeks ago, the chat was full of people complaining about him being a guest. He's like an alternate timeline version of Boogie2988 where he got fit instead of morbidly...
  3. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Too early to pass any definitive judgement for me, but she's definitely a strong contender. I don't know what she was doing before, but she's very polished. My interest in her was initially piqued due to her model and Papermoon cover, but my expectations were honestly fairly low. I was not...
  4. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Her lore video was the best I've seen in a good while, and her voice acting is pretty solid. The cover was great too. Edit: A lot of anons were freaking out over her voice and alluding to being surprised she didn't go to Hololive. Is this Beryl? I never watched her, so I wouldn't know. Edit 2...
  5. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Gearing up for PixelLink's debuts later today, I was perusing the talents' twitter profiles and noticed that the Mahou Arms account is following Raki Kazuki (she follows them too) and none of her genmates. Mahou Arms is an anime-styled hack and slash/VN game that's been in development for...
  6. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Despite what Riifu has heavily implied, according to EIEN per their recent statement: "We do not have a non-compete clause in our contract." Edit: I don't think she has ever explicitly stated she was bound by a non-compete clause. I believe that she has alluded to not being able to stream due...
  7. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Unless you're an engineer, you don't have to be intelligent to work at those companies. She's non-white and female. That's all the credentials she needs.
  8. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I usually roll my eyes whenever people whine about 'uuoohh' anime characters, but saying "All locks are meant to be opened," while prominently displaying a keyhole down there with that design is uh... something. That's pretty bold for an EN company.
  9. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Her past life was Mai Melody: Youtube | Twitch She apparently has a stream scheduled for Friday. Although, I don't know if that's an automated remnant from her past or not. She also created a MaiMelody twitter account this morning, but was promptly deleted after it was posted on /vt/.
  10. Drosselmeyer

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I won't contest that Oceane's popularity is deserved, however, her case is also a bit unique. She got a lot of publicity from her channel being terminated shortly after debut and saw a huge influx in subscribers once she got it back. Edit: "popularity isn't deserved" -> "popularity is deserved"
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