"Those of you who think you have clean dicks, pull them out!"Houshou Marine

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  1. ChilChakSack

    Please tell me there are non-pozzed fan/writing/anime communities out there.

    Have you tried sites like World Anvil? As far as I'm aware it's not really a cooperative effort like you wanted, more like a series of folders to organize your thoughts, but I think you can open your worlds to comments from others on the website. I'm not sure how the community around World Anvil...
  2. ChilChakSack

    Gabriel Kroniig / @GabrielKonig7

    Does this answer your question?
  3. ChilChakSack

    Unicorn Ranch

    Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in (I think it would be better if we had only one thread for vtuber related lolcows) but here it is: Everybody, say hello to Daniel I first discovered this guy a while ago when some of his black metal and dungeonsynth remixes of vtuber bgms...
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