"British? No, I - I can speak little English and Japanese."Kazama Iroha

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  1. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'm hoping (???) those have been left to "ferment" because if they're fresh then holy fuck see a doctor. Also vtubers need to stop with the piss content, we passed the "this is no longer a bit it's just fetish content" line a while ago.
  2. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    When the Vshojo webstore leaks her early that's when we know it's for sure
  3. Zizara

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Apparently she was told not to talk about it, she just did it anyway. There's no helping stupid, I guess, because there was no reason to even bring this up again at all - legal case or no. She'd already won the court of public opinion and getting a restraining order/report him as a sex offender...
  4. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    With everything her & Matara have said, if Pomu/Mint is going to join, it'll be after Summer. Mika was speculated for a while there & all the reasons why haven't really went away so she'd be my bet.
  5. Zizara

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Nolan's so deep in the sauce he has to explain to the Chinese Kiara fans exactly why it was so fucked up to promote Elira in a Dokibird community, then goes right back to insisting he dindu nuffin and shouldn't have caught heat for promoting Elira in a Doki community. :whatastory: Nolan should...
  6. Zizara

    Vidya Games Thread

    It's a pretty fun little puzzle game based on stacking probabilities, and the edgy aesthetic is cute with a surprising amount of detail. Always fun to see the dealer fuck up - it's not a perfect prediciton machine, he has to gamble just like you do based on the info available. Good to see it go...
  7. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Depends on the streamer really. Pippa does react streams all the time but you won't see complaints about it because she actually engages with the content, whereas on the other hand you have gormless idiots like Forsen who'll just sit there completely expressionless and silent and basically just...
  8. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Asian parents. Calling someone "the PhillyD of <X>" sounds like a massive backhanded compliment. Even though the Hogwarts Legacy drama has been memory holed as something that never happened and was the result of no groups in particular, Silvervale's still gonna be smeared as a transphobe...
  9. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Is anyone actually surprised those lumps of preservatives might not be healthy for you? Don't ask, don't tell.
  10. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The real win is watching Mint sit at 5view to 8k noombers even on the worlds most scuffed slots stream for what had been a dead account. Can't believe she thought people would have already forgot about her.
  11. Zizara

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Shiori immediately asked why Shelob wasn't a sexy drider lady...coomers have done so much damage...
  12. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Are there even many other EN babiniku? The only other 2 I know off the top of my head are Jowol and Flan, both of whom just use their normal voice. Searching the term on twitch brought me 3 live streamers, 2 used their male voice, one used a really obvious voice changer and they were all 1...
  13. Zizara

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    you ever think this hobby takes you down too many weird places?
  14. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Such a shameful lack of willpower, weak
  15. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Kirsche live on Gundam's show.
  16. Zizara

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Convincing, but I'm gonna need a sample of Luca's writing featuring an apostrophe
  17. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Zentreya is already massively successful by any definition. Why should they change? What would reinventing the character actually achieve or stand to gain? The setup clearly isn't a problem, it hasn't stopped Zen from becoming a large 4 view, it hasn't stopped Zen from getting constant collabs...
  18. Zizara

    Vidya Games Thread

    I can't say I experienced any sound bugs, but one thing that does immediately come to mind now you mention it is that I thought the voice acting was incredibly flat this game. I'm assuming poor direction? Or maybe it is bad editing, the VA's seemed better in Remake. It's not every character and...
  19. Zizara

    Vidya Games Thread

    Coming out of Remake I was worried they were being too mysterious and self indulgent for their own sakes to allow less dedicated fans to keep up, and Rebirth hasn't done much to reassure me. The game is massively bloated with minigames and side content in every region to pad playtime, the...
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