"The first thing La+ Darknesss does when she gets up in the morning? Regretting the life she has lived"Sakamata Chloe

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  1. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    what a joke E: there is no salvation from the cringe. I already typed out and deleted like 4 posts, but it's pointless to even try to reason with this shit, much less point out everything wrong with it. He's going to run the site into the ground or become a drama-fag or both, may as well...
  2. Helmet-kun Backwards

    The Music Thread

    In honor of Ace Attorney here are some OSTs from the least known game in the series, and also possibly the best one. There isn't an official version in English yet, but it's coming out VERY SOON (fucking finally Capcom you hacks). Or you can enjoy the excellent fan translation and play it now...
  3. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward

    but.... Ace Attorney is a VN....
  4. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    fuck why didn't I think of that also seriously guys there's been like 500 subs dropped in the past 5 minutes come watch the COCKroach she's freaking out a little bit
  5. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

  6. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Matara doxxing her weight live on stream Apparently her 10 pound weighted vest is 4 to 10 percent of her body weight. If 4% of her weight is 10 pounds, she's 250 pounds. If 10% of her weight is 10 pounds, she's 100 pounds. Thus, we can safely assume that Matara is between 100 and 250 pounds...
  7. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Eventually it will be revealed that ALL v-tubers are born in test tubes. The unholy combinations of modern science and ancient geisha sorcery, they are designed to reduce over-population by slowly eliminating autists and fujoshi from the gene pool. Their only weakness is their susceptibility...
  8. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Ouch ouch ouch. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. fuck ouch ow why ouch ow ow ouch fuck ouch...

    Ouch ouch ouch. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. fuck ouch ow why ouch ow ow ouch fuck ouch. This post brought to you by aging. DON'T GET OLD KIDS
  9. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    CALLED IT ok good to know I'm not completely crazy just yet. The Kaela IRL stream crashing saga continues. Also Biboo makes fun of her laugh TITS NERFED :kiaragodno: Gigi isn't a one-note gremlin child behind the scenes, kayfabe gone forever
  10. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    A fairly customized gun, assuming that is real and not airsoft or something. I remain skeptical. Unless she's mentioned it on stream before (I've never really watched her) I have issues believing she is into guns enough to own an ar15 with an actual red dot and what looks like an aftermarket...
  11. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    So I'm going to rrat a bit here. We know from the past that Anycolor is willing to keep people trapped in limbo rather than let them quit. They tried to do it to Selen until she forced their hand by lawyering up and calling their bullshit, for example. They will also never come out and say...
  12. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Vidya Games Thread

    DS3 is the most linear Fromsoft game (even more than Bloodborne IMO) and it suffers greatly for it. There's what, 3 branching paths at most? Fight Dancer early and get stopped at the library, branch off in the castle to fight Ocerios and go to Archdragon Peak/etc... and that's really it. Put...
  13. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Elira releases a second black screen video about jalapenos because she thought the peppers were going to dox her and millie (no peppers survived the Millie encounter)
  14. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    ???????? uhhh was I in the pippa thread? I could have sworn it was the off-topic thread, unless a mod moved it so quick I didn't even notice it EDIT: am I being gaslighted or am I a retard find out next time on Dragonball T(VA)
  15. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I made jalapeno popper potato salad with bacon and it is fucking amazing, the popper combination of cream cheese with jalapenos has always been great but the popper delivery system sucks. The potato salad solves that problem, you can adjust the ratio of spice/cream to your preference and have a...
  16. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This is one of those universal things people without personal experience will read online and not believe, like "oh, it couldn't be THAT bad you guys are exaggerating." No. Girls you are fucking gross, for every man who doesn't shower there are two women who It isn't a "teehee cute funny...
  17. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    brb i'm gonna practice my noose-tying skills ...look its fucking hot in the US right now and I don't have air conditioning ok
  18. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    There's so many livers participating in this that it probably doesn't mean anything. For a list: JP: Akagi Wen, Asuka Hina, Amemori Sayo, Ars Almal, Ange Katrina, Igarashi Rika, Ishigami Nozomi, Inami Rai, Inui Toko, Usami Rito, Ushimi Ichigo, Elu, Onomachi Haruka, Oliver Evans (English ver...
  19. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Quest Completed! FAGGY FUJOBAITER
  20. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'm hoping that I'm overthinking it and she turns out to be like Mio or Matara, a semi-straight man/tsukkomi who can play off of crazier members in collabs. The impersonations can be fun but almost always have to be used in service to something else, like Mickey Mouse jokes or whatnot.
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