"Sakana walked up behind me right when I said 'I can smell pedophiles' and Sakana just walked away"Kaminari Clara

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  1. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I already brought this up in the NijiL thread, but Hex's graduation announcement was almost exactly six months after Selen's termination, and now that Kunai has had hers immediately announced on the first of the month it's almost certain that Niji sets up a queue for graduations that was delayed...
  2. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Not only 1 a month, but 1 a month with almost exactly a six month pause between Selen's termination and Hex's announcement of graduation. What a shitshow, imagine having your career and income frozen for literal months to try to save the last shreds of your boss's public image. There is a...
  3. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection
    Threadmarks: The spiked drink NijiJP may have been underage

    Sorry for the double post, but: This source notes that JP Nijifans have been faking images of YAB in Hololive credits to run defense for the company: Take any and all mentions of Holomem being exposed to this guy with MASSIVE grains of salt unless comprehensively proven to be true, there...
  4. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I fucking hate the Japanese EDIT: Like, is it so fucking hard to pull your heads out of your asses and actually recognize that "hey, if it wasn't for people sharing information this guy would STILL BE DRUGGING OUR EMPLOYEES" and maybe roll with the punches a little bit? Instead they threaten...
  5. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    /vt/ namedropped Mel and Matsuri, but it's /vt/, so....
  6. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I was tearing through the past tweets trying to get a comprehensive list of what he's actually worked on tbh. Unless I'm missing something, Japan doesn't have an online music database that lists his entire discography.
  7. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Alright someone who actually has a twitter account should check his personal account and the pro account for his company: personal professional My nitter instance just locked me out and I haven't been able to get anything worthwhile without an account :painpeko:
  8. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    He produced her song Yawawa Bijin according to his twitter, she may have been one of his targets. I'm also seeing a LOT of Ange and Tomoe in here, if I were a betting man I think they're pretty high on the list of potential targets.
  9. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    It's changing by the minute, I just tried to grab Ars Almal's cover of Gregorio but that's gone too. Thanks for the archives I'm going a mile a minute right now and cannot keep up
  10. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    He may have gone further than that, the guy spiked the drinks of at least 1 NijiJP if not more. /vt/ is saying the guy was bragging about feeling some of them up after spiking drinks but it's /vt/ so take it with a grain of salt EDIT: Here's a page with at least some of the stuff the company...
  11. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That is such an unreliable source that it may as well not exist. You'd be more likely to get actual information from a dowsing rod, and the rod would be much less likely to bitch about non-existent Niji hate in the meantime. Suicide baiting, to a woman who recently tried to commit suicide...
  12. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Here's some clips of Doki from the recent amongus clone collab Matara tries to do a bit, gets ignored, kills everyone Matara kills Doki thinking she's the imposter, little did she know that Doki is just too dumb to read Doki scares the shit out of Juniper by being a retard...
  13. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I agree somewhat, but the caveat is that ES has way less money to spend than EN does. Follower count is all well and good, but EN has more whales and their money is worth far more than any ES-speaker currency that isn't the Euro. And a lot of ES v-tuber fans are LATAM, not literal Spaniards...
  14. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Honestly, I think the thing that's off about it to me isn't just the fact that she's a pervert about it, like you said she doesn't really do that on main. It's that she goes out of her way to act like a little kid. Plenty of loli chuubas out there who don't do that, IdolEN has several lolis...
  15. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

  16. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Speaking of UOHCUNY: I've been watching Muyu more/backwatching vods recently, and she's actually quite great. Toxic gamer, long-time otaku, lively laugh, very relatable and sweet most of the time. I also have a soft spot for poor chuubas and she definitely fits that bill. But I can't fucking...
  17. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hahaha those funny fake Twitter accounts, they sure come up with some crazy stu- ...oh wait this is REAL It also has a program called "CUNY Citizenship Now" and is known for rampant anti-semitism I don't know what to do with this information. Please understand, all N-words look the same to...
  18. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Why haven't you 3D printed yourself a shower then? :smugrys:
  19. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    About 265 thousand dollars. And Cover lets the talents keep Cover's cut of their graduation IIRC. Good for her, she deserves every cent of it. Hex was a big fish in a small pond. Luxiem had non-event gaming streams in 2022 (Niji's best year by far) that had more in superchats than Hex's...
  20. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

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