"When I hold the mic, my pinky finger stands up, is this a problem outside of Japan?"Pako

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  1. Murrayしないで

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    I think you're counting Globie as EN, right? Brave themselves seem to be counting geographically, saying they have 26 talents in their US branch. By my reckoning, that's 8 in V4Mirai plus 18 in Idol (13 EN, 5 ES). I guess this means Idol management will now be based in the US rather than...
  2. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Don't despair yet, brother. Wait and see how things shake out. Maybe the ES crew will find a happy home in Brave. sorry (not sorry)
  3. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That the talents are free to take their IP and leave is the weirdest part of this deal by far IMO, because if some of the biggest talents decide to leave, that greatly reduces the value of what Brave just acquired. Hell, if all of them decide to walk, then Brave has just bought a heaping pile of...
  4. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Has anyone seen any evidence that SuRge's relationships, at least in the context of what he got cancelled for, went anything beyond zoomer Discord "dating?" If there is any I missed it, and if not I don't know if I'd be comfortable with the current featured thread link calling him a "sexpest"...
  5. Murrayしないで

    Phase Connect JP Gen 1 'KALEiDO' Speculation/Liveposting

    Loki dropped a cover of a song called Oni no Utage. Great visuals and I think you'll like the song if you like deep-voiced ladies. Really wish the PCJP Twitter account would be tweeting these things and I wouldn't have had to luck out on the YT front page algo to have found this. That that...
  6. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Do you think so? It seems to me like most people here like her if they have any opinion at all. I get annoyed at her propensity to throw Twitter pity-parties but I'm far from hating her.
  7. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Remember that Sayu is a gacha nerd so their ties to MiHoYo and their infinite money glitch was probably a big selling point in all of this. (Sniped on this point but I don't care.) Also don't forget that Metishon had and still has a successful cadre of talents in the ZH market. I can see how...
  8. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Plumarielle, one of the ones to quit right after debut, became Runie. Here's an old pre-debut short if you want to compare voices. Blair Labri became Echo Lyne. The whereabouts of the other post-graduation dropout, Jax Riot, is unknown to me.
  9. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    NexStage, my favorite little beleaguered microcorpo, is finally giving up the ghost at the end of next month. They announced this in a typo-laden tweet on their official twitter account. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/uxXEb If you don't recall who they were, they were the corpo that had a...
  10. Murrayしないで

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    No, I don't think so. Perhaps I overstated things in my previous post. The most I can find is in this post but it's also uncertain.
  11. Murrayしないで

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    Aura worked in CyberIdol as Utano Pandora (keeping that identity after the company collapsed and still performing as her but I think she's more active as Aura at this point) and it's widely assumed she was part of the "mean girls clique" there. Pippa fans also got upset when Aura blocked Pippa...
  12. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Sayu did end up sharing her thoughts on NOA on tonight's stream (after first showing way too much interest in things like pudding rabbits and toilet buttons). It's pretty clear that she saw the same things we've seen and isn't going to stake her future on NOA. She said she believed that their...
  13. Murrayしないで

    Corporate Audition/Application Listings

    I came across this audition announcement earlier today and didn't think much of it. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/bVNwo But when it came up in the TVAcord earlier, some of the people there started looking deeper into it and I joined them. Their twitter account looks like most of its older...
  14. Murrayしないで

    Phase Connect JP Gen 1 'KALEiDO' Speculation/Liveposting

    The half-year commemoration streams have been going on today. As I write this Memory is getting to the end of her cooking stream and just announced new custom emoticons for subscribers. Phase scheduled this and that Idol Showdown tournament at the same time. The audience cannibalization...
  15. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    She might. She vagueposted about talking about stuff that's concerning her on stream today. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/tXAlI For those that missed it, she had another Sayu-style bout of sadposting the day before. https://ghostarchive.org/archive/ZNoFo So I'll try to tune in just in...
  16. Murrayしないで

    Corporate Audition/Application Listings

    I bet he just turned 25 himself and thinks that's some sort of accomplishment. "Ooh, my back was a bit stiff when I woke up today! I'm so old lol time to join AARP!"
  17. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    No, it's what I said - she doc-ed him because he pressured her into a poly relationship that she was really uncomfortable with. It's really bizarre because he was apparently framing it to her like being poly was his immutable sexuality, like being gay, rather than just being selfishly unwilling...
  18. Murrayしないで

    Culinary Catastrophes

    …I'll allow it.
  19. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse
    Threadmarks: Murray's summary on the NOA-BVTA connection

    I originally typed up this timeline last night, before LiliNyap's tweets, to laugh about how at least parts of this disaster tie back to the Black Vtuber Awards. After sharing it in the TVACord earlier today I was asked to post it here too, but wanted to clean it up and update it a bit first...
  20. Murrayしないで

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    LiliNyap has posted evidence that NOA agreed not to announce the termination and that she did not receive the "termination contract:" https://ghostarchive.org/archive/nBCeW I'm not really clear what she expected to happen then. If the company would just never mention her again or what. In...
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