"On April 11th 2023, Rin desecrated Wikipedia by writing her own article full of mistruths, misrepresentations and general lies. The page is still up."Rin Penrose

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  1. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Someone released a teaser for a Hololive analogy horror video a while ago...about Kiara. Want to make guesses on how many cliches will be in this one?
  2. TKN_Lurker

    The Music Thread

    Lego really fucked up with the gen 2 series then just abandoned the whole thing. R.I.P my childhood toyline. Here's a relevant song.
  3. TKN_Lurker

    Vidya Games Thread

    It's Hollywood. They've never made a single good video game movie adaptation in the past 2 decades. What were you expecting from this movie honestly?
  4. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Irys...what kinda bulge did you think it was? :smugrys:
  5. TKN_Lurker

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Look who's coming back so soon. It's all but confirmed now she really wanted out of Niji badly. Edit: Late posted. Forgot to back read the thread earlier.
  6. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Amelia Watson's lore video
  7. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Some clips of note from today's Holo Recollection. Even Gura seems disappointed in her dungeon compared to Kiara's lmao. Biboo manages to escape Justice twice, no pun intended. Kanauru...wtf have you done.
  8. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I guess we finally found our very own Mikeneko in the western side of vtubing, maybe a tad worse and even more BPD. :unauthorizedmemes:
  9. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Kanata has released her cover featuring the possibly last appearance of Aqua.
  10. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Kiara's dungeon might be the best one so far. They even have a boss fight and the obstacles they set up definitely trump the annoying sanity mechanic Ina's one had. Edit: Welp, Gigi has to watch as her girl gets licked. Back to cucking I guess
  11. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Tenma is back on the monke game and is currently fighting the secret final boss.
  12. TKN_Lurker

    Vidya Games Thread

    Yup my mistake, I'll take the L on that. Still doesn't exactly my gripe with these studios honestly. You have a number of successful IPs to play it safe and you choose a no name DEI studio to burn it all away. They could have released another shitty mobile game Final Fantasy 7 tie in and it...
  13. TKN_Lurker

    Nijisanji L Collection
    Threadmarks: Dramatuber Mujin covers YAB, adds context

    Dramatuber Mujin has released a somewhat ok summary of the entire incident to the normiesphere. The interesting thing worth of note is the added context to the red spider drug Yab used in the drinks/food. Timestamp is 7:16. Edit: Turns out Yab was doing this while already married and with...
  14. TKN_Lurker

    Vidya Games Thread

    Good old Sony. Instead of keeping Hi-fi Gravity rush (sorry confused brain), which is a decent game, they decided that Concord was the one that needed the extra investment. This is why you never good full retard with DEI.
  15. TKN_Lurker

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Considering Sana's model was gyaru tanned, we really were lucky she didn't get dragged into the minority race vtuber nonsense from last year.
  16. TKN_Lurker

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    My oshi is literally Mumei but I still don't know how the fuck you can end up becoming a deranged Council sister. Like honestly, even I know my favourite gen wasn't all that popular, but how it does it attract the most schizophrenic rainbow retards. Lemme guess, he used Chat GPT to write his...
  17. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Since the promotional materials did feature almost everyone, I'll guess that Cover has already laid out a pretty organised content roadmap for this project, but there's still a possibility the other gens won't get the same treatment. Also, please release a good game this time Cover, not that...
  18. TKN_Lurker

    Noa Talent - The Totally not a scam Chinese company with ties to HoYoverse

    Truly some real professionals behind this company. :Vesper-UNHINGED:
  19. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Anyone got any clue what Mori is teasing? That's surprising. I thought it got cancelled after what happened with the animation studio.
  20. TKN_Lurker

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Look what popped up in my recommended. May her IQ lowering music still remain a classic.
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