"Whenever I feel down I just think back to my, like, memory- recollection of Nixon quotes"Araminta Aminthe

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  1. Abomination

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Just because I'm brown that doesn't mean I'm a chipmunk. -Panko :pankosmug:
  2. Abomination

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Surely her yelling "vengeful spirit move on!" over and over will help. :smugmoona:
  3. Abomination

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Wait. Susan! Oh....Wait, not-Susan! -Dizzy. Great timing. :whatastory:
  4. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    :sanasmile: :SelenHAHAhere:
  5. Abomination

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    And yet the Jews probably wouldn't do that. So that's a positive point for the Palestinians....
  6. Abomination

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    AquPeko content still coming. :BijouBijou: These two... :pomuLove: It's nice there was a happy ending to this story. No need for regrets anymore.
  7. Abomination

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Some fun fanart plus an out-of-context comment from Lumi: Archive Speaking of, here's a 28 minute supercut of the Cards Against Humanity collab stream with Lumi, Pippa, Lia, and Filian. It was just as unhinged as you'd expect with these four and will probably be used as evidence the next time...
  8. Abomination

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Angry Biboo in the zone. :laplusgun:
  9. Abomination

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Says how terminally "Internet ill" people are nowadays. Is shilling her friend's dating app I still kind-of have a mostly positive view of Sayu, but this is retarded. And her being shocked people thought this random, bot-tier ad was her being hacked and then making excuses is even more retarded.
  10. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Good ol' Towa has a way with words. Gotta love her. Nice to hear from her. After a few days if processing and hearing from people like Aqua, Towa, and others, I'm still sad to see Minato Aqua coming to an end, but I am happy for her in many ways too. I'm happy and honestly very impressed that...
  11. Abomination

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Massive power outage in Ohio Nolan currently Tweeting on Twitter God, why have you deprived us of something that would have been truly hilarious? :crushsighs:
  12. Abomination

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    Nikki Rei is officially the last Jew standing in original Jew corpo.
  13. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    I'm going to miss these two collabing together, man. I'm sure we'll have some more moments with them before her graduation, so I'll be looking forward to that. :pomuLove:
  14. Abomination

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Nolan, being the unemployed, unwilling-to-work useless leech that he is, blindly supports a "social Democrat". Color me shocked.
  15. Abomination

    Vidya Games Thread

    So the "solution" he offers is not actually changing anything, nor advocating for any changes to this, but to "inform" the customer that they're being fucked over with the current state of things, and there's a totally good reason frfr that they're getting fucked over? Good luck on that mission...
  16. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Today's definitely been some kind of day. Been able to work normally throughout it without any issues, but this has been on my mind all day, especially when I stopped for some downtime. I agree with those here who said it's a good time to share our favorite Aqua clips.
  17. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    I don't want to ramble too much, nor do I want to act like she's my oshi or that I've been a big fan since day one, but this is the first graduation involving someone I consider a favorite of mine, so this is rough. I appreciate that, knowing this was coming, she has been streaming a lot more...
  18. Abomination

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Well...this fucking sucked to wake up to. Going to have to take some time to process this. :fishmandispair:
  19. Abomination

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    As someone who has never heard the original version of this song, I chose to believe only Jelly can make it palatable because I can't imagine listening to a grown man sing these lyrics... Although, as a fan of black metal music, I'm sure I don't have much room to criticize.
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